Why is it?...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Whenever you get a woman speaking out about how wrong porn is, they are the ugliest, man looking donkey raping blotches in the world?

    not having a go at women, just pissed off that dykes want to take over the world!
  2. Wish youd stop sitting on the fence and say what you really mean :biggrin:
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  3. Cos they ain't getting any innit :wink:
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  4. And why do Lesbians who hate men go out with girls who dress and look like men.
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  5. And how can you grow a new vine from seedless grapes?
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  6. Love this forum!!
  7. Do dykes watch lesbian porn? They often claim that heterosexual porn is exploitation of women for the gratification of men but I can't help myself wondering if they like a sneaky look at a bit of lesbian action.
  8. Did you notice how the ladies on the tv today talking about porn speak for WOMEN ? No qualification like some women, or this group of women or women over 50 or whatever. How dare they be so presumptuous ?
    From my experience plenty of women are quite happy with porn between consenting adults .

    And what are the Co Op thinking ? Will they stop selling meat in case it offends vegans , alcohol in case it offends Muslims etc ? Are they also intending to have Men`s Health put in bag to cover up the geezers showing their torsos let alone the ladies magazines such as Vogue which are quite happy to show a scantily clad lady on the front cover .
  9. and then they use dildo's and strap ons. I don't see any dyke covering her chooch in beef pate and getting the family dog to get licking... that's not to say they don't... I just don't see it!
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  10. You're looking at the wrong websites. Apparently...
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