Whenever you get a woman speaking out about how wrong porn is, they are the ugliest, man looking donkey raping blotches in the world? not having a go at women, just pissed off that dykes want to take over the world!
Do dykes watch lesbian porn? They often claim that heterosexual porn is exploitation of women for the gratification of men but I can't help myself wondering if they like a sneaky look at a bit of lesbian action.
Did you notice how the ladies on the tv today talking about porn speak for WOMEN ? No qualification like some women, or this group of women or women over 50 or whatever. How dare they be so presumptuous ? From my experience plenty of women are quite happy with porn between consenting adults . And what are the Co Op thinking ? Will they stop selling meat in case it offends vegans , alcohol in case it offends Muslims etc ? Are they also intending to have Men`s Health put in bag to cover up the geezers showing their torsos let alone the ladies magazines such as Vogue which are quite happy to show a scantily clad lady on the front cover .
and then they use dildo's and strap ons. I don't see any dyke covering her chooch in beef pate and getting the family dog to get licking... that's not to say they don't... I just don't see it!