for me at least this site is bordering on unusable..pages take an eternity to load (15 minutes and then timed out on occasions), double posting etc etc when ive edited a post i see that the edit often doesnt appear for 10 or 15 minutes according to the time tagged to the amendment. is it under an enormous burden due to an increase in activity? all my other internet stuff is normal.... im not having a go, i just wondered.
I only ever tend to use it on mobile. hence hurried often atrocious spelling haha but it works fine !!!
I don't know, I think it's people that are posting kind of lumpy, the past few days. I think everyone must have accidentally sat on a jalapeno. The symptoms funky describes are something that I had been suffering a few weeks ago, on this and other forums. The issues went away ... but then I noticed that the bandwidth supplied by my ISP was suddenly down to half normal (2Mbps to 1Mbps). This reduction happened at the same time the fault went away. I started nagging my ISP about them halving my bandwidth and it eventually (and suddenly) came back up to around the 2Mpbs mark. If in doubt, blame your ISP :biggrin:
Funky I had similar problems a few weeks ago. Using this site was like wading through treacle, although other sites were fast loading. I tried everything I could to solve the problem, cleared cookies, e.t.c, ran anti virus checks, used different browser, reset the browsers I was using I.E and Firefox,checked my broadband download speed which is and was about 14mbs,still had the same problem. My mate who knows about this stuff tried explaining to me that internet providers use different parts of the web to deal with different sites and might provide more recourse to one site as opposed to another! Not very helpful I know, but it aint' just you. Anyway, after a while my problem suddenly disappeared and I was back to normal
This page has 20 external Javascript scripts. Try combining them into one. This page has 5 external stylesheets. Try combining them into one. This page has 54 external background images. Try combining them with CSS sprites. There's a fair bit going on, not surprised it's slower than other sites when connection's poor.
i have to have two tas open to wade through the site and to get this thread to open has taken about 2 minutes...i then have to hit the post button and then exit the page, confirm that i want to exit and one of three things happen....i exit without the post being uploaded, i exit and its posted, i exit and its double posted...or i can just leave it spinning the beachball of death record is an entire evening before exiting the site and coming back another day...fkn annoying to say the least.
Not good, the site's not the fastest but it's not that bad! Try a different browser, even temporarily. Test your connection on - The Global Broadband Speed Test , it's hardly detailed but if it shows a terrible connection, speak to your ISP. Oh and change your DNS settings, your ISPs are utterly awful. I like OpenDNS ( and but there are other options including google.