
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducv2, Nov 24, 2021.

  1. Do Harley Davidson wear chaps when out riding their steeds?
    Not much cattle catching going on in North Yorkshire, not many cactus to ride through either. :thinkingface:
  2. Wrong forum. Have you tried asking the question on Grindr? :)
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  3. Because they have swallowed the marketing hype. They are Cowboys on the range, their metal steed throbbing betwixt their thighs as they burn down to the ranch as wimin swoon and lesser men drool in slack jawed admiration at what they too could have been...

    Or so they think. My neighbour, lets call him Wee Fat Bob, cos that's the tw*t's name, suffers from the whole thing, he has taken of the cool aid.

    HD888 I think, all the bling the catalogue can muster, proper street battle axe in black and chrome. Perched on top is wee Bob, magnificent in his cheque shirt, bomber jacket, bandana with skull motif, German Helmet and faded rider jeans with big F/O boots. All from the catalogue of twattery at no doubt immense cost.

    In his mind he's off down Route 66 to muster a possie, when in reality he's a Stationary Salesman riding the A77 to go for a coffee in Ayr.

    However, each to their own of course.

    On a wider note though it is this problem that HD is contributing to the suffering of the brand.

    Sat for too long on their haunches peddling the dream has been fruitful in the past, but times move on and nobody under the age of 50 is interested in that shite anymore. Hence they are in dire straights and casting about desperately for new customers which brings us nicely to the new Pan American...
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  4. Now surely that's worth a ride out to Ayr to see. Lying in bed with some fekin virus and that really made me laugh
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  5. Waiting for @Sev to suggest it's because they have 'Caught The Ghey'
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Nearly revisited my dinner after searching chaps.
    There is a bottomless pit of filth out there, chaps.
  7. Good for "quick access " I guess
  8. ..and yodelling.
  9. To me it’s no different to power rangers on their latest crotch rocket, thruppeny bitting corners with speed humps on the backs of their leathers. Or tractor drivers with every overland accessory from the touratech catalogue, with no intention of ever leaving the queens highway.
    But as you say, each to their own.;)
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  10. I would agree, but after sliding along on my a#se and then hitting a bridge parapet while wearing full leathers, I'm not sure a#seless chaps would give the same protection. Good against cactus though :upyeah:
  11. Couldn't agree more though I suppose we are guilty of this to a greater or lesser degree...

    Still if you really want to see massive excess combined with 100% redundancy go for a walk around a marina. Most boats never leave their berth, yet are packed with everything & more than you'd need to circumnavigate.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. :upyeah: I absolutely agree with what you've said here.
    Whether we like it or not, we frequently succumb to the marketing hype associated with whatever bike we choose to own and ride, as well as whatever our favourite or preferred riders and their styles suggest might work better or best.
    So as I see it, as much as I can't stand anything Harley Davidson derived, especially after trying to ride one of those mobile sofas, we really aren't that different.
    One positive though, we all rides bikes, of one kind or a rather less obvious other...........:thinkingface:
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  13. Does Wee Fat Bob travel alone or is he part of a wank, the collective noun for more than on Harley rider.
  14. Sorry @Sev, I'm a little confused and possibly disappointed that a long held belief might not be true.

    Are you suggesting that HD riders Don't like touching each others Bottoms?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Wordsworth, straight Wordsworth dat.
  16. Yeah!…………Gilbert not William though ?
  17. ^^^^^

    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. You forgot to mention WFB’s brand new looking HD branded back patch cut-off “HOG: Rotary Club Chapter”
  19. Indeed I did Komrad, Indeed I did; thankyou for raising that oversite. He does in fact have a cut off denim jacket over the bomber jacket with a patch on the back! I am shitting you not. No idea what it says, I can't see that far and have no real interest in catching his eye.

    The irony being that if any of these ersatz, HD pseudo-gang members came up against the real McCoy they would shit a brick as in my experience, they can be a bit scary. They would then die of embarrassment as they had been outed for the frauds and wannabes that they are.

    Also, why do HD riders not Nod back? I find that a tad irritating as well....
    • Agree Agree x 1
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