Will This Ktm Finally Rival The Multi?

Discussion in 'Other Bikes' started by El Toro, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Let's hope not.

    Having owned an RC8 and RC8R and endured diabolical reliability and the most awful and disgusting customer service that I've ever come across (from both dealer network and manufacturer) I will never own another KTM.

    Shame because they make fantastic bikes.
  2. What do you mean rival? Its already a much better bike than the multi.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. aye, but it's baw ugly!.
  4. Cue hate mail and death threats. :)
  5. You aint pretty either but you still managed to find someone. :p
  6. and dam lucky she is also.
  7. Lucky for her shes not fussy?
  8. she doesn't want for much in a man. chizeld good looks, 6ft13stonish full head of hair intelegant charming and the ability to lie through his teeth. ;)
    #10 finm, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2014
  9. lying through teeth is a pre-requisite to a long and happy marriage. As is a thick skin. I just wonder why it is that when she's done something wrong, I'm the one thats apologising? Ive no idea how they do it. Never play chess with the bastards.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. It's not the best looking bike, that's being kind!
  11. If I was in the market for a big cruiser/tourer/adventure bike, this would be toppa my list.
  12. Had a couple of Katooms from dirt bikes to big SM's bulletproof and cheap to run, whereas my multi had heads, cams, slave cylinder within 12 months...
  13. It looks lovely..... well kind of.
    New generation engine is suited to the new bike.
  14. It's not really like a multi, the ktm is an adventure bike, the multi is pretty small in comparison and I'd bet far more nimble
  15. face like a hammered rock,short,fat,ginger,ironically "intelegant",car salesman with false teeth..

  16. v.close, wrong about the false teeth, but there coming.:D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. And how many KTM's that the public actually buy are actually ridden across deserts and tundra rather than the M4?
  18. I'm waiting for the 1330
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