899 Windscreen Replacement

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Nick Ogden, May 9, 2016.

  1. Hi Guys,

    Im new to the forum - im from the UK had the 899 for about 6 months now coming from an R6.

    Sorry if i am bringing this up but i couldnt find any old posts when doing a search.

    So.. I changed my windscreen over the weekend (what a headache)

    I have lost the 2x rubber parts that the main screws go into so im going to pick some up today from a Ducati Dealer (I had a look and think the rubbers have feel into the headlight fairing?)

    Just a quick one on my second attempt is there any tools i should use to hold them (if so what tool) in place or glue them on to the back of the windscreen etc?

    thanks for the advice IMG_3572.JPG IMG_3573.JPG
  2. I glued mine but your supposed to take the fairing off I believe, it might be quicker in the long run to take it off from my experience
  3. Take the nose cone off and retrieve the captured nuts that you lost. It is not particularly difficult and it's much easier to fit your new screen with the cone off the bike. However you secure the nuts to the back of the screen you are almost guaranteed to knock one off as you slide it into place if you try to fit it with the nose cone on the bike. Then you will be back to square one.
  4. No, No, No.......Step away from the Superglue Bonny Lad !! :fearscream::fearscream::fearscream:

    Polycarbonate ( that's what your screen is made of ) really does not like solvents, ...superglue, Loctite, etc, it suffers from what is called "environmental stress cracking" - google it

    https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1438&bih=677&q=polycarbonate stress cracking&oq=polycarbonate stress cracking&gs_l=img.12...7730.24775.0.27781.

    You don't have to remove the top fairing to change the screen, check this earlier post of mine, it can be done without taking screen off :-


    Bit of patience and you'll get the job done!

    Poucher :upyeah:
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