
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Major, May 31, 2013.

  1. Red or white, what's yours?
  2. Mostly red, sometimes white, sometimes port. Sometimes beer, too. Oh, and whisky or whiskey (occasionally bourbon). Ah bugger, got nowt in and I have DVD night with no2 son, ah well, maybe tomorrow night.
  3. yes please
  4. Oops, I thought this was about her indoors.
  5. I like rose :) and sparkling
  6. Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Fairtrade Rosé Moscato

    This one
  7. Pink Lambrini .... ;)
  8. Herederos del marques de riscal
    Is very palatable I can only manage one glass at a time though
  9. Red slightly chilled
  10. Red; White; Rose; Sol; Rum (and coke); Pernod; Calvados; Newcastle Brown.............Chr*st do I get headaches or what?
  11. Red, White, Rosé, Beer, Whisky (Scottish) Tequila, Brandy and Rum....

    Enjoying a neat Sierra Silver Tequila right now actually..
  12. Red, beer, Scottish
  13. I've got n'edache again.............

  14. Wine with food, always.

    Also quite often wine before food.
  15. Ooh Calvados have not had that in a while!!!

    Me hate wine .. Yuk and gives me skull ache . As does port.
  16. View attachment 16156
    This is my little stash ...
    I mainly drink Guinness and black.
    Frulee and fruitesse on a hot day .. Or I go down my local real ale pub as they have fruit beer on Tap:)
    Sidekick strawberry as its like angel delight drink that gets you trollied.

    And Cognac ...
    I'm common I can't have much chocolate but once in a while ice cold chocolate milk with a big slug of Cognac
    Over ice .... La Mumba is its name in Spain..

    My Dad had a bar out there and could never understand why his daughter was pissed as a newt drinking chocolate milk until he found out about " La Mumba" ... :) :)
    I'm fed up as found out why been ill for 2 years.. Gall stones .. So now waiting to have my Gallbladder out.
    They say no booze...
    But I will have a drink once in a while.
    Very miffed I won't be able to enjoy the beer festival this year :(
  17. Shandy of course :)

    or a dry white, none of that cheap crap though, got to be over a fiver
  18. Thats my wine list to. Like the pernod/Ouzo with 7 up
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