Mostly red, sometimes white, sometimes port. Sometimes beer, too. Oh, and whisky or whiskey (occasionally bourbon). Ah bugger, got nowt in and I have DVD night with no2 son, ah well, maybe tomorrow night.
Red; White; Rose; Sol; Rum (and coke); Pernod; Calvados; Newcastle Brown.............Chr*st do I get headaches or what?
Red, White, Rosé, Beer, Whisky (Scottish) Tequila, Brandy and Rum.... Enjoying a neat Sierra Silver Tequila right now actually..
Ooh Calvados have not had that in a while!!! yum. Me hate wine .. Yuk and gives me skull ache . As does port.
View attachment 16156 This is my little stash ... I mainly drink Guinness and black. Frulee and fruitesse on a hot day .. Or I go down my local real ale pub as they have fruit beer on Tap Sidekick strawberry as its like angel delight drink that gets you trollied. And Cognac ... I'm common I can't have much chocolate but once in a while ice cold chocolate milk with a big slug of Cognac Over ice .... La Mumba is its name in Spain.. My Dad had a bar out there and could never understand why his daughter was pissed as a newt drinking chocolate milk until he found out about " La Mumba" ... I'm fed up as found out why been ill for 2 years.. Gall stones .. So now waiting to have my Gallbladder out. They say no booze... But I will have a drink once in a while. Very miffed I won't be able to enjoy the beer festival this year