Word of warning about donating to this site!

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Imola, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. If you donated to Rob when he first set this site up via paypal be warned :mad:
    Every year He will take a payment automatically every year :mad:

    I have checked my paypal account and i have payed a while back again without my consent :mad:
    But maybe i missed the small print!

    No doudt MATT will remove this but be warned.
    #1 Imola, Jul 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
  2. I wonder if it's possible that it has nothing to do with Rob and that it's something as ordinary as a check box that needed to be unchecked when you set up the payment.

    It's easy to think the worst straight up but may not necessarily be the case. Just sayin' :grin:
  3. I was informed of this when I originally donated in my acknowledgement message, perhaps you were and you didn't read it?
  4. There's certianly no need to remove the thread and im a little concerned you think I work in such a clandestine way. As far as I'm aware the £15 is a yearly subscription, not a one off donation.
  5. Well here's what it says:

    Do you value your experience at ducatiforum.co.uk? Consider becoming a contributing member of the forum!

    If you choose to donate to the site (£15 for a year) you will receive the following, for 1 year.

    - Completely Ad Free Forum
    - 100mb Gallery Space (up from 10mb)
    - 500 PM inbox (up from 50)
    - 100mb Picture Attachment Space (up from 10mb)

    Please choose the option below.


    Validity periods marked with a * indicate that this subscription is recurring.
    After the initial subscription period is complete, the subscription will automatically be renewed with a new charge.

    looks like there should be a * next to something within the main text but there isn't, this would indicate it being a recurring charge.
  6. So how do I/ you stop this, surely there must be more users than me bored shitless with recurring questions about tax discs, tyres and Ducati dealers coffee machines?
    seriously though I really don't want to be paying recurring subscriptions when I'm as old and wrinkly.
  7. I didn't think Paypal worked like that? I thought it needed password/security input from the account holder on every transaction? (except ebay fees)

    I'm happy to donate as & when, I'm even happy to receive a 'reminder' on the anniversary of any previous donation but I'm not keen on Direct Debits... :frown:
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  8. Not necessarily . I fell foul of a recurring payment to a piece of software that I used for two years before uninstalling it. This year I had a further 12 months licencing subscription taken despite the fact that I had uninstalled the said software. The fee was only £8.99 but all the same I found that paypal has a facility for regular payments without authorisation unless you the user changes the settings.

    The relevant settings are to be found in the account history against the individual transactions. regular payments can be cancelled.
  9. Login to PayPal
    My Account > Profile > My Money
    My Pre-approved Payments > Update
  10. Thanks Antonye, have cancelled my standing payment, more than happy to continue paying annually but prefer to know when and whats going out of my account.
    well spotted though, I'd have just continued paying.
  11. the renewal thing has been flaunted by the unscrupulous insurance companies for ages and apparantly is worth several millions a year where people dont check and just carry on..............

    i get the we have been working so hard to keep your premium down renewal every year, when its been put up 50% ...five minutes of compare and its back down a phone call and a smarm and its matched back down

    bastid practice really but you do need to read the small print....
  12. Thanks Antonye
    Even official Ducati clubs like DSC and DOC dont take instant payments.
  13. Check again, I've just checked my PayPal profile and I've got an annual payment to DOCGB listed...
  14. I checked mine and found this subscription. www.swinger-nation.co.uk .Its something to do during the cold Autumn , winter and spring months. Good for the fitness aspect too.
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  15. :biggrin:
  16. What's happened to Rob like? Is he not running this any more?

    (the OP somehow read that way to me, apologies if I've misunderstood it)
  17. He's too busy counting his donations these days ;-)
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  18. Thanks for the heads up Imola. There was certainly never any intention to mis lead people with payments - this is how it is set up by default and as far as I know not possible to change.

    There are only a handful of subscribers - *thank you* who donate (25 in total) who have contributed to the site.

    If anyone would like a refund for the money paid for an auto-renewal and they didnt want to donate, please let me know and I will arrange a refund for you.


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  19. Rob, You took the payment so refund it back to my paypal account! Simple really.
    I await the deposit :smile:
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