is fucking slowly but surely killing me. A headache as soon as I get in the office, early morning meetings full of actions I cant complete. Dropping the ball on one thing because I am picking another up. This is the worst I felt professionally for many a year. I have had enough but cant see a way out. Enough, enough , enough.:frown:
What is it you do for a living? When I felt like that in previous places, I just got out. I'm not sleeping too well atm as we've had a pretty lame couple of years and that bothers me. A lot. BUT if this year pans out the way it should then I will be able to sleep for England!!
How about tell the people you work for to be more realistic with their demands? Not being able to do something doesn't mean failure, as long as you are doing everything you can, it means overly ambitious expectations of staff. Just like people mistakenly think that a business can grow year on year forever and consider it a failure if it doesn't, employees can't be expected to take on more and more work and suffer no loss of effectiveness as a result. Nobody knows your job better than you do. Nobody is more perfect for the job than you are. If your boss wants to continue making money through the good work that you do then he needs to understand that there is only so much a team or individual can do. And if you don't have the working relationship to broach these subjects with your employer then quit. It will be harder for him to keep making money then it will be for you. He needs you. You don't need him. You can just go work somewhere else. He will need to recruit and train a brand new guy to replace you, which will cost him time and money. You can just walk out of this door and straight through another.
Commissioning and Qualification manager on a pharmaceutical project currently. Lack of manpower and resources is a total nightmare. The guys who work for me are great, doing their best plus long hours (70+ week). The client is nightmare pushing for completion on this effing "Fast Track" project so they can go back into seasonal production. My head hurts and nothing at home is getting done either. And I mean nothing, washing, dishes, tidying up. It feels like a complete breakdown in social functions. The vodka bottles look so tempting each night I get home. So far I have resisted opening them.
There is only one suitable way to to solve this issue and it's to talk to your boss. Quitting isn't really an option, everybody needs to earn money. If you speak to your boss and tell him what is going on then try to find a solution? No business project is worth killing yourself for. Especially when you're not the one making the money at the end of it.
Don't do it! Sometimes you just have to stop being pushed around by the client. Dig your heels in!! Tell the client what is achievable and what is not. And if they don't like it tell them to see if they can do a better job. In my experience they will back down.
You can only do what you can do. I'm forever trying to hit a moving target that no-one knows. With a boss that doesnt know what he wants until he sees it. Questioning and demanding things from thermal modelling software he doesnt understand yet is apparently an expert at. Its highly stressful. You end up with dozens of unfinished threads as hes redirected you mid point then at the end wants them all completed yesterday and youve been spun round and round till you are confused as hell. I understand and empathise with your pain Cranks. I'm looking for work elsewhere, doing something completely different but I dont know what.
Wise words! However, what do you do if you can't walk straight through another door? I work in an area where companies are having a recruitment freeze, and in the country hundreds of people are being laid off. Mortgage still has to be paid after all. Cranker - can you take a couple of days off sick? Do the laundry, do the dishes, then go back to bed. Then set yourself a target. You're working long hours, so at least not spending money. Set yourself the target of saving up six months wages, then once you have, tell your employer to shove it.
You are assuming that you are only useful in one line of work? I'm sure your skills could transfer to a multitude of jobs and you would be just as effective as anyone else, and probably better because you'd be able to provide a fresh outlook. I'm of the opinion that it is the person behind the experience/qualification that makes a good employee. Not the paperwork he can put in front of you.
I quit worrying about work years ago! I could go and earn more in a more pressured environment and every aspect being under a KPI. Seriously cant be arsed, because I think the more you earn = the more you spend and the more you will get trapped. As it goes I was talking to Mrs C uncle who was a bricky and a at his height earned good money, he had a few gangs working for him and jobs a good un. Then the housing crash/recession hit and finding work became harder and harder and when he did find work he was working hard for less cash. His heath became effected and he went on the sick for a short period. He just happened to stumble across a job advertised for one of those Tesco home delivery drivers. That was a few years ago and he still loves the job, he says he can earn a half decent crust with over time and has never felt happier, no stress or worry. His lifestyle has changed accordingly but he wants for nothing and most importantly he is happy
Im a contractor so moving on is relatively easy, but it's the principal- you are only as good as your last job. And this one is a disaster. The money side of the pressurised role is great, my net income far exceeds the average by over 4 fold. The ex wifes payments, the lads school fees, my mortgage and monthly bills come to over 2.5k a month. That's what stops me going back into normal employment with reduced stress. I need an out, soon. As soon as possible. Going abroad again (I have done Europe mainland, India, China, Eastern Block etc) means the end of my relationship with Lady K. I have been thinking of a sandwich shop or robbing banks...................