Breast cancer has teamed up with prostate cancer Breast cancer can affect men too Sadly one of my brothers male friend has breast cancer
As you probably know from my previous posts, last February I was given just a few months left to live and shortly afterwards I was put on another therapy and by September the cancer on my lungs and liver had all but disappeared.My oncologist looked so happy bless him when he gave me the good news and my wife broke down in tears.It was an amazing relief for me I can tell you.I am now being scanned every three months so they can keep an eye on me.
In the case of my cancer “Melanoma” it all started with a small lump on the side of my foot which I ignored for almost a year. As I was very much in to fell walking I put the lump down as due to abrasion and even my GP thought so but one day it started to bleed and a biopsy revealed the cause was Melanoma.The lump was removed but 5 months later the lymph glands in my groin swelled up and were removed. After that I was given therapy which failed and I was told I only had a few months left to live. Then as a last resort to keep me alive a bit longer I was treated with a course of ipilimumab and the cancers have all but gone.The moral is guys Please don’t ignore lumps on your skin.
After looking back at some memories I did know I'm sure maintenance therapy has cotton wool my brain I did a world cancer poster for a local charity drrrrrr