My mate Tom is going for the normally aspirated world record at this event on his 50th Anniversary R1 tuned by Jack Frost of Hoelshot Racing fame :Wideyed: Will be going to support him - just hoping for good weather!
It's a pity I'll be away cos I'd like to have gone. The weather is meant to be sunshine and showers I think.
Tom smashed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New normally aspirated World Champion! Run up is 1km on the back wheel to be legal, then through two timing beams 40' apart at the end of the run. Tom dropped one tooth off for this run and maxed it on the rev limiter in 5th.
Really don't know what's happening to photo uploads recently!!! Sorry for the duplicates - can't delete them either
Runs cooler that way - he's waiting for a bigger Rad, and proof - Yellow ones are faster on one wheel
Forgot to say in all the excitement of Tom winning, there was a guy there on a 1098 with no left arm and only one handlebar (RH) doing speed trials. Bike looked really odd with no left handlebar. It had dual brake and clutch levers on the RH side.
Well done your mate! Of course I would of beat it if I was there, unfortunately I was washing my hair.
And I see the wind's up his chuff from the tree line but that's the luck you need I guess. Still an amazing stunt mind you. And good wheelies always look frightfully cool!
15mph tail wind, gusting - everyone was struggling all day, he was around 155mph with every run until that one. He did a 178 on the clock (unofficial) a few weeks ago with no wind. Wind was even stronger Sunday but no one came near. My thought's were the same but it really doesn't help. The turbo bikes were 17mph down (@198mph) on the record set on a still day (@215mph!) He want's to borrow my Hayabusa to go for that one too, but I'm too scared for it :Wideyed: