Worst private plate I've seen

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Walking through the car park tonight saw this jag PMSL ...
    • Like Like x 2
  2. ha ha, :biggrin:
  3. Don't get it?? STD??

    I've seen worse.
  4. Me neither...looks like cast d to me
  5. Perhaps he had a Standard Carrera 4 as his last car?
  6. This is on a par with any "worse" ones out there

  7. I read it as 'see for sexual transmitted disease'. Anyone interpret something else then?
  8. therse an arab guy wh drives around maida vale in his merc the the plate PENI5
  9. Has Steve Parrish sold it then?
  10. Thats funny, the peolpe who own a pub in Droxford, white horse I think it is, has PENIS somehow spelt out on their 320 touring..may be P3NIS
  11. Sad-acts, the lot of them !
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  12. My van has a private reg..
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  13. All the people in the canton of Vaud (myself included) have a plate which starts VD followed by a number. You get used to it after a while.
  14. what? the burning sensation?
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  15. There used to be a Rolls years ago with the plate OBO 110 X but it's probably banned now.
  16. There's a cock-end in Manchester that has the plate A11 GUY
  17. Saw this reg on a Merc near High Wycombe the other day....ANY 1

    The antithesis of a personalised plate :biggrin:
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