Would I Be Making A Mistake...

Discussion in 'Monster' started by wittymoniker, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. if I change my Multi for an 1100EVO? I've had my '10 Multistrada S for 6 years, it's been very good to me, but I fancy a change. Will I regret replacing it with an EVO? I don't do much touring any more, so it would be for Sunday rides, occasional overnights, and some city errands.
  2. I have a M1100S - lovely bike for hooning around on.
  3. Monsters are a fun bike for knocking around on. I'd recommend test riding a few Monsters (old & new) to see which one(s) feel right for you. Happy shopping!
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  4. A change can be good if only for the sake of change. I loved my Multi, not the looks, but the sheer capability of it especially on tour.
    The monster is bit of a loony by comparison, I’ve just sold my 1200s and kept my ‘97 900ss for a bit of nostalgia!
    Try lots of options and enjoy the experience.
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  5. Only you can make that decision....personally im done with "the forever swap out" and just keep buying them!
  6. Go for a 1200S
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  7. If you're going to do city errands, I wouldn't do it on an Evo!
    Enjoyed my Evo once the awful low speed snatching was improved, front suspension harsh too, great bike on and off the throttle though.
    FWIW the 1100S is a better all round bike!
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  8. Thanks folks, you’ve reassured my thoughts on this, I think a 1200 might be a better option.
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  9. I'd buy the 1100evo but I'm biased, I've run one for 12 years and still own it
  10. I have just made a switch from a 14’ 1200s multi for a 06 S4RS and the giggling and huge smile confirmed I’ve done the right thing, no regrets. The multi was a great bike but just felt too civilised and the monster is just pure excitement and raw which I yurned for. Test ride some definitely.
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  11. I may be at that stage, I started my Ducati love affair on a Monster and now yearn for one again.
    I love my Multistrada but it's a big bike that needs treating with some respect, I fancy a bike I can just jump on.
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  12. thanks folks. my head says I need a 1200, but there's a well priced 1100 nearby. I'm concerned about the snatchy fueling I've been hearing about on the 1100, what's the best fix?
  13. My M1100S benefitted from a 14t sprocket and a DUC-EE (I think) eliminator thing.
    It's fine in town (for an 1100 cc 2 valve twin).
    Out of town it's a hoot.
    Ditch the wooden calipers and get some 4 pad ones or even M4s.
  14. Go and test ride a Monster 937 at a dealer, great smooth fuelling, fabulous 2 finger pull brakes and stopping power, great induction and exhaust noise on the stock exhausts with a wide open throttle and lovely agile handling and is lightweight too. Then at least you know more about the up to date range
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  15. I have both a MTS1260PP and an M1200R. The Multi is a much better all-rounder especially for carrying capacity with pannier if you're going to run errands or staying overnight. However, the Monster is much more fun.
    #15 DarR, May 3, 2024
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
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