would this scare the shiiite out of you

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. A man has been arrested on peeping tom charges, after being discovered inside a septic tank under a women's toilet.
    Kenneth Enslow was arrested on Sunday after a horrified woman called police to White Water park just west of Tulsa in Oklahoma.
    The mother had taken her seven-year-old daughter to the toilet and noticed a man looking up at her from below.
    [​IMG]Ambra Reynolds and her daughter (Pic: KJRH-TV) "He went in there, climbed down in the septic and was looking up at the people utilising that facility," Tulsa County Sheriff's Major Shannon Clark said.
    Enslow, who was covered in human waste, was helped from the septic tank by members of the Keystone Fire Department.
    They sprayed him off with a fire hose and then took him to hospital for a physical and mental evaluation.
    "It's like he was just sitting down in the water just wading. It's not something you expect to see whenever you're wanting to go to the restroom," Ambra Reynolds told KJRH-TV.
    "I screamed, grabbed my daughter, trampled my son on the way out scared to death. We ran out."
    The 52-year-old suspect told police that his girlfriend, Angel, had hit him in the head with a tyre iron and dumped him in the toilet, according to the police report.
    But Major Clark said: "There were no injuries consistent with that."
    Enslow claimed he did not call for help until police arrived because he was unconscious.
    He is due in court on July 15, and faces a one-year jail term and $5,000 fine if found guilty.
  2. WTF is going on in this world.....
  3. Sounds the norm for my neck of the woods .
  4. His lawyers are claiming 'Insanitary' :wink:
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  5. at a loss for words mental!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. HE'LL YEAAHHHH!!!... Wool! What a perv up!,,... Sick twat. Should be shot!... There are just as many pervs in this country. I recall an old one where a toilet cleaner at Euston got caught trying to install cameras in the women's toilets at Euston... Get a life, or stick with Internet pron... What is wrong with some people?!?!...
  7. Shit story
  8. She should have done a big steamy dump on him!
  9. I don't know how anyone could stoop so low
  10. a big watery shite right on his boat race
  11. He fell foul of the law.
  12. This has gotta be a wind up, surely ?
  13. Surly S bends have reached the US.
    People don't just dump straight down into a tank/pit do they? Or do they they...? :eek:
  14. I reckon he must have gone round the bend...........
  15. Obviously a shit head
  16. To stop him doing it again, perhaps they should cover him in antiseptic.
  17. they may have been using straight through pipes for better performance :p
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  18. Wasn't their some guy who camped upon some woman's loft ??

    I have a loft hatch that bothers me but only incase it falls open and spiders come out
  19. He was having a septic tank in a septic tank.
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