So, just after a bit of general wisdom here. A freind's husband sadly passed away a couple of years ago and she gave me his old Arai Ducati Chaser X helmet. It's nice but he dropped it on his gravel drive, broke the rear air vent and bodged a repair with araldite. The visor is scratched and it needs a clean inside. Other than that, it's nice. Question is, could this be sold, or is it only for the bin? Size small (56cm) bu the way. It looks too nice to throw away. Thanks, Mike
Unless you can donate it to a local bike school for then to cut up and show students….that kind of thing?
Indeed I was , I’ve moved on from the job where I was collecting them so I’ve now unfortunately stopped. We ended up donating around 1000 iirc
I’ve dropped mine off at the local fire station, but that was pre Covid, I’d check with them before dropping off now.