Not sure if this is a good idea or not, but i am sure it will take off, they have been on cars for a while now? Motorcyclist spends £100k inventing a Terminator-style helmet that has GPS | Mail Online Not sure i would pay £350 for it though
looks crap..good idea though..if it could project onto the surface of the visor (the visor might need a special coating of some sort), by way of a mobile phone camera sized device that slots into the helmet or something that would be cool..but for day to day, i dont really see that theres too much point...Nice to see him developing the idea though..he should take it Dragon's Den so that Duncan Bannatyne and belittle him, and let him know how much he despises him personally, and also his product professionally.
Well done to him for trying. HUD are already available. Doesnt one helmet have a camera in the back which them projects an image to part of the visor. Anyway, it is a great idea and could really take off if picked up by Shoei or Arai
The man has invested his entire life savings and pensions,he has thankfully applied for a lot of patents that might just be his saving grace,but good luck to the fella for giving it a go, it's very easy for us to criticise from the comfort of our living rooms. He could be the next Trevor Baylis,who now has to downsize his house for a bit of wonga.
True but its a bit of a solution looking for a problem in my eyes. I just dont see what the problem is with actually paying attention to your speedo and riding accordingly. Anything that cuts down the field of vision or adds distractions within it are a bad idea in my book. Thats the good thing with a speedo, you can choose to pay attention or not, rather than having it there all the time. I hope thats a prototype as im struggling to comprehend how you could even see out of the one eye with that big box in the way. I hope he does well on the patient side of things but I wont be riding with one. Oh and what the hell would happen to your eye/face in a crash? Bad idea!
At the mo it is a bit Heath Robinson ,and to be honest I wouldn't buy one now either,but from acorns do oak trees grow...he has put everything on the line,so I hope he can make something out of it . At least he tried.
The basic idea is good but I don't like the big lump of display, thats going to hurt in a crash! Pity it dosn't project the image onto the visor in the same way that the car systems project on to the windscreen. I think he used to trade as Mist Ltd and if so this is his website, if you're interested Bike HUD, the Motorcycle Head-Up Display from Bike Systems
I like the idea, especially if it can incorporate some kind of sat nav feature? It's a brave idea and I hope he does well out of it.
''It all started when I was looking for a gadget that would help me see behind the bike, being a FAT BOY, it was quite hard to see in the mirrors........." Changing his Harley to something with better mirrors would have saved him a fortune LOL!.............Sorry for that, but this boredom is doing my head in, Im still on crutches 16 months post accident AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR.
I would rather pay £350 for a half decent helmet and rely upon my eyes on the road not being distracted by everchanging readouts..........I mean, it's not as though I'm machine gunning a load of terrorists in the dark is it?? AL
Great idea but not quite executed how I would want it. I would like it to be displayed on my visor. Plus the way it is wedged between the chin bar, would mean i lose a bit of my peripheral vision. My eyes are like REM on speed when riding and that would give me a blind spot. But fair play to the guy. I generally know how fast I am going by the 'feel' of things anyway. As for sat-nav, i need that only to find the actual street. I can find my way anywhere in the country and abroad without it.
Its not 1st April is it!! What the fucking fuck is that. A big lump of something in you field of vision to show info that is already right in front of you on the an invention called the clocks. I cant think of the last time I thought hmmm wish I had HUD rather than having to go through the ball ach of looking at my clocks! Clearly aimed at the GS/Multi textile crew I feel sorry for his family
Seeing as they are already talking about banning "Google eye" from being used whilst driving - this will surely also get banned. So no, I wouldn't buy one... The problem with "Google eye" is it can be used as a head-up display for navigation and useful stuff, but it can also be used to watch videos and do lots of distracting stuff too - as there is no way of knowing what you are actually doing with it at any given time the powers-that-be are lining up to just ban it all together...