Wtf Is My Wtf

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by SquarePeg, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. Where the flip is my wtf? Is it subscription only?
    This is what I see.

    • WTF WTF x 6
  2. Deep slow breaths in through nose, quickly out of mouth.
  3. NOoooooo, how he do that :confused:
    • WTF WTF x 1
  4. You barstewards
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • WTF WTF x 1
  5. Yes I believe it is sub based
  6. I believe you don't get a heart or a handbag in addition to "WTF" -unless you can spare a fiver.
  7. My :broken_heart: is broken for a fiver :(

    I'll start saving up and get me self a paper round.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  8. You can also pay £15, to help Rob run his super-yacht
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  9. Jeez, that'd be two paper rounds.
    • WTF WTF x 1
  10. No you can’t. The only option to subscribe is the £5 option…….for a year :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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