Just finished fitting my new sat nav also managed to modify the lockable mount to fit my new XT Can’t wait to try it out
My 595 wobbled on the mount but wasn’t too bad too worry about Next time I’m out we will see if it’s any better and let you know
On my 1260 I find the XT bounces around less, a fair bit lighter than the 590/595 so I'm pretty sure that's why.
The XT is a great bit of kit, but it’s hardly the most positive click when you put it into its cradle, I am spending half my time hoping it’s on properly and won’t fall off.
I'm thinking about getting one to replace my old 550. But can't decide if I will get to use it this year or if they will go cheaper if I wait a bit.
One of the main reasons I purchased an XT was it offered Bluetooth technology to transfer routes the screen was bigger and clearer for my old eyes I use MRA to create routes and waned to be able to transfer the routes from my iPhone as I'm taking a few friends to Wales this year when we are allowed So last night I decided to see if I can transfer the routes from my iphone to my new XT using Bluetooth You have to have garmin drive installed on you phone but It works really well job done really impressed So far really happy with my new purchase also managed to sell my 595 so happy days
My reason for getting the Zumo XT; eyesight is good for distance but close up vision not as good as it used to be, screen is far better than the 590 in this regard. Transfer of routes planned on my PC but then accessible via MRA app on my phone with easy Bluetooth transfer to the XT. Though yet to seriously use it in the real world, apart from a quick route last year.
My only issue was when I was using it in (really) heavy rain and the screen kept switching. Garmin replaced the unit for me FOC
I have an XT mounted on an Ionic Parts printed mount. Its a really good unit, like others have noted the unit doesn't positively snap into the cradle. Basecamp is good for planning routes, once you have got to grips with how it works!
You must have the patience of an Angel to be using Basecamp, it might be worth having a look at MRA My Route App. Quite a few of us have converted to it. Very much easier to use and send /make/install routes.
Different learning styles make for a different experience. Had a lot of help getting my head round MRA which actually pushed me back to Basecamp which I can now use successfully. I will own up to using GM to influence broadly where I want to go but I find that does help me understand where Basecamp needs a little guidance. Andy
MRA all the way now. They've introduced the ability to add via points mid route which is a game changer for me. You can even add a delay for an en route via point which will add to the full journey time (in MRA at least, Basecamp even failed to transfer that to the GPS). Via points are points that the GPS is obliged to take you to whereas shaping points just influence the route and can be removed by a recalculation of the current route. Via points don't get deleted by a recalc.
I'd like to know this as well, I signed up for MRA a couple of months back after my wife got me the XT and a Evo tech mount for my 1260. I've not toyed with it at all in the real world. But the last time I used a garmin, I SLOWLY plotted a long trip over Europe and manually adjusted the route to suit roads I wanted to go on. I might log into MRA tomorrow and have a proper tinker around with it and plan a route for this weekend. Back when I planned a longer route, I uploaded a bunch of smaller rides from here: https://www.bestbikingroads.com/ and stitched them all together, I couldn't find a way of doing that in MRA last time I checked.
Yes it is, sorry was using the MRA terminology. I've yet to test this in the real world but it does seem to work and opening routes in Basecamp show them as way points. Just built a new PC and not bothering installing Basecamp and all that mapping. Just this evening been forced to install Garmin Express which is currently installing updates onto my XT. The direct WiFi method failed for some reason and the screen stated that I'd need to update using GE.
Evening sorry for the great delay in responding to your request finally managed to sneak a 80mile trip today looking for essentials unfortunately the mount still wobbles but no where as much as my last sat nav the zumo 595 but I I’m really impressed with my new XT the screen is crystal clear Bluetooth works much better between my phone and Sena I absolutely love it