Yellow Shed 748evo 1198 Shotgunning

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Cranker V2, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. I took the Yellow shed out for a gentle inters trackday yesterday at Anglesey, the aim was to do a shakedown of bike and myself. I was as rusty as feck, but got into the swing of things ok by the end of the day - albeit still not pushing and a few seconds of my last timed sessions their.

    The Yellow shed behaved itself, though it was a little reluctant to fire up on the lithium battery (new one on order). Chassis wise it was a day of incremental chages seeing as I have never ran this chassis setup before. I reduced preload by a turn and knocked a couple of clicks of rebound and compression at the front. Feeling was ok, but I wasn't pushing at all so the nuetral feedback seemed ok for my first time on track since '13.

    I didnt run with the TCS, so I was conscious of throttle application for the day, nice and progressive was the shout. The shed still hit me in the face a couple of times - nice!

    The motor was very tractable, pulling from 4k until the redline very smoothly. I do need to reconfigure my shift change lights as they were not very visible in bright sunlight and dark visor.

    Downshifting brought the only real surprise of the day. Shotgunning on the over run, and loudly too. Once I was used to it and aware it was me it was a pleasant and welcome effect. Or it is me thinks? I'm still not sure whether it was coming from the airbox or the exhaust system. I asked a mate to take the bike out for a couple of laps to see if he could fathom it out and to allow me to listen at couple of corners. Still not conclusive answer. I will have a look inside airbox this week and inspect the exhaust system for any obvious leaks.

    In retrospect it was a useful day, chassis development and dash info equipment positioning to be worked on and improved. Shotgunning to investigated and applauded. Band Bang, yellow shed a comin.
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  2. Pictures or it never happened, you know the rules :rolleyes:
  3. Glad it held up
  4. i run a small lithium battery.....and made a battery extension cable with an anderson connector with the other half going to a slave battery

    Race bike jump battery cable
  5. Nice one :upyeah:. Andy

  6. Thats what I have done Andy, far easier to start. A cheap(ish) lithium powerpack, a set of anderson plugs off fleabay and 6mm2 cable from old looms i had on the shelf. Starts a good un when the powerpack is charged!
  7. Great! Something else to spend money on!

    What do you boost it battery not connected to car do it?
    • WTF WTF x 1
  8. i plug the little powerpack into a mains powered 12v supply to charge it. I managed to flatten it by messing with the police car light effect on it sunday evening. It works great on moving vauxhalls out of the way.
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  9. Nice leathers. Look borrowed...
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