What the feck is wrong with them. My wife is currently on a secret takeover bid of John Lewis selfridges and amazon by buying all their stock before Xmas and getting it delivered, either that or we are going into business as a new competitor. So delivery driver turns up at my door and starts talking in a form of language I struggle to understand, init mingin, ouse, rodjars, etc etc it then dawned on me he is attempting to speak English and failing, he then starts to unload parcels from his truck and I can see his grey pants. Not because he is bent over but because his jeans are sat underneath his arse cheeks showing his pants. I politely point this out and he tells me I think that it's fashion. Fashion to wander around showing off your arse??? Is this some kind of 21st century mating ritual? It's daylight, it's not midnight on tour after 12 pints of Stella and a vindaloo. What the feck is wrong. I don't want to see some scrawny 20 year olds arse or know what make of feckin pants he chooses, nor do I want to be spoken at in a language I can barely understand. Where without the help of my 10 year old to translate I could be signing up for experimental medical treatments or a life times supply of genital wart cream. Or am I just old and out of place?
Fig that I can understand:Bag: , fin you are feckin obsessed with homo eroticism and I am getting a tad concerned that I appear to be the object of it. :Vomit:
i know, it worries me also, i think we need to meet up, work it out so to speak. theirs a nice place near me on the high street, blue oyster bar, say about 7pm?
Grown my mo just for such an occasion bought a nice leather cap and a pair of Harley chaps at the nec today
Knowing the history of the low trouser and what it actually means I crack up everytime I see some kid (normally indian) sporting it. I was behind one on the escalator in Selfridges once who had them so low they fell, In front of his "posse/crew/whatever" I politely let him know that white calvins with a skiddy wasn't what I wanted to see, he was upset - his pals instantly got some mileage out of that comment. sexuality - Was wearing trousers very low (sagging) invented in prison to show sexual availability? - Skeptics Stack Exchange
I didn't know that so it either means do me from behind or Im ard me coz i pretend to ave bin in prison. Either is just totally twatish behaviour
I think the reality behind it is to do with not being allowed belts in jail. There was a young lass on train yesterday all punked up. She looked great. Wished I was 30yrs younger.
I don't have a problem with fashion feck me I had dreadlocks for several years, reckon my hair fell out out of shame just not keen on having someone's arse shoved in my face
Actually boots post has made me realise what a twat I looked at the same age. So in conclusion I have become my parents, middle aged and judgemental. Feck where's me para boots combats and crusty hair gone
I like seeing kids all alternative. I hate that olly murs hipster style shite look. Its dreary and conformist. The yoof should be sticking two fingers up. Thats the law.
I also saw a 70yr old teddy boy at Caterham train station yesterday morning. Straight up. Fair play to him.
I am now going to lock myself in my garage and listen to kyuss, agent orange, dead kennedys, acdc and Motörhead for 2 hours of penance
lol. dead kennedy I might put on some King Kurt, Metoers, Guanabats, Reckless etc put on some combats coved in paddy smiths and beer towels, sling my mouldy ma1, 20 hole dms on and take the scoot out and start a fight with some casuals.
What scooter club were you in ?,i only just sold my collection of Lambrettas a couple of years ago,i help form the shagnasty sc in the mid 80's,a few of my mates still run scooter shops to this day.The scooter scene is on the way up again with most of my old mates doing the rallys again.