Hi All What a summer !!! I need a fluids type service but as we all know most importantly they need to be able to reset the service prompt as well, I'm based near the Humber bridge, anyone have some one they use or can recommend in my area. Cheers
Italia Lincoln, 1 boring hours ride away or 1.5 Hours of fun. If you can wait until Winter they do areduced labour rate
Another vote for Italia Moto here. Great bunch of guys there and have looked after our stable since I bought my first Duc 4 years ago. They also offer a free collection service within 30 miles and anything over that is charged at a reasonable rate too. Winter servicing reduces the Labour rate as mentioned above which will more than offset any pick-up/drop-off charges if you can wait another month or so... Where near the bridge are you? Barton? There are a good few of us on here from Lincolnshire
Thanks for the replies @ Ben , live in Barrow pal , let me know next time your having a ride and ill come and say hello.
Not far away at all then really, I'm in Burton Upon Stather... Mrs M's grandad lives in Barrow so we pop over your way occasionally when time permits. This season is looking to be almost at a close for me unfortunately as I've got a busy end to the year work wise I will still make it out a couple of times before the winter deep clean, service and lay up happens though Throughout the year I do like and try to get a few rides out organised through the forum though which are normally great days (discounting one particular occasion this year where mine and stu's bikes s**t themselves early doors and had to be limped back home)... Stick around and keep your eye out for rides out next year though if we don't manage anything before winter this year though fella
This also. Italia are good and V-Duo seem to have a great reputation. @yellowducmaniac used Adam when maintaining his old / my current 999s. I use Italia myself, and they're fair and thorough.
andy mac, Known as DUCATIMAN Sherburn in Elmet 07948379099. I cant sus how to copy and paste his stuff,