You Couldn't Make This Up

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. could off been worse, he could off been legless. boom boom.
  2. Would have been worse if he's lost his head.
  3. Handy bloke to know
  4. Good job he didn't crash, could have cost and arm and a leg
  5. Lucky they don't do hand signals when flying planes.....

    ...especially when flying twin engine ones........"Whoops! There goes another one"
  6. Passengers thought he was quite angry and aggressive but turns out he was armless
  7. Apparently he's been sacked. Flybe have given him the elbow
  8. Rubbish at poker, apparently always had a bad hand
  9. Im bored
  10. "Im bored"

    Thrown your hand in ?
  11. He could get a spare at a second hand shop.
  12. Perhaps it was Israel Hands...........
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