Your 2020 Highlights

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by XH558, Dec 28, 2020.

  1. Yes the 2020 season was certainly a bizarre one for all the wrong reasons that had a impact on everybody walking planet earth,but i want to concentrate on the positives for this year.

    For me with the first lockdown the public roads were a joy again a bit like turning the clock back thirty odd years,absolutely blissful.Sporting moments has to be for me my team the Exeter chiefs winning the double,fantastic & also motogp back to a horse race for any rider / team that stopped slipping on banana skins,there was a championship available which went down to a couple of races at the end,Great Stuff.
    Finally a 900SL arrived on my shores after many years searching for the right motorcycle.
    I could waffle on with more but how about you folk.?
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  2. None on the bike. Bought the S4RS and had a couple of nice rides but it’s not exactly like riding a rocket ship...
    Playing golf has been fun. But not getting much better even with lots of playing. So none there.
    Weight on not off. Fitness worse not better. None there then.
    New perm job but govt fucked me over on my type on contracting business so nothing there. 30% pay cut always useful.
    Car has sat in garage, paddle conversion didn’t work when I tried and not been able to try sims even as it’s out of mot. So there’s a blank.
    Lost contact with lists of people. Became depressed. Now don’t want to see those I can.
    Heart fixed. For now. About as good as anything gets.
    And I feel like I’m one of the lucky ones this year!!
  3. Cycling around 60 miles to St Paul's Cathedral on a hot day.

    Edit/P.S. Truly hope your heart is ok Paul, onwards and upwards. :upyeah:
    #3 Chris, Dec 28, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2020
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  4. Took up gardening and grew some amazing flowers -mostly roses- as an antidote to lockdown. I've never had any interest in gardening so this was a brand new experience and its really rewarding. Roll on spring for two reasons now.

    A few great August days riding around the lake district on my 40yearold trail bike =top fun.

    Sorted out lots of small (some large) jobs around the house along with some decorating that I'd put off for ages. The homestead is now a way better place to be.

    Lastly, the two fast growing kittens I brought home are a laugh and a half.

    All things considered, my year was not so terrible, and certainly way better than it was for many others.
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  5. Took up a bit of gardening, and enjoyed it. It was good to see the results of our work when the weather was good

    Spent more time with SWMBO and we didn’t kill each other. Which was a bonus.

    Managed to do about 4500 on both bikes after the initial lockdown which was nice too.

    All in all it’s been ok. The only downside being we’ve not seen as much of the grandchildren as we would have liked (not seen the Scottish contingent, other than on zoom etc, since Feb :( )
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  6. upload_2020-12-28_14-15-45.png

    Ticked one thing off the bucket list.
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  7. Finally managed to get a new house!

    not counting my chickens until I’ve got the keys in my hand mind.

    oh and the dog.

    That’s about it. It’s mostly been shite
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  8. Actually my heart was before lockdown now I think about it. So nothing.
  9. Cheer up Bradders!
  10. PS4 broken. Shit year. Golf course shut. Wtf is there to be cheerful about other than not being lay in a bed about to die or ill?!
  11. i got my aprilia now so that was a bonus.
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  12. TBH, other than the restrictions nothing much changed for me about the only plus was my partner got a lot of time at home.

    I had 5 days off work at the start of lockdown is about the only plus other than having actually saved some money.

    Hoping 2021 brings some sort of normality to the world at large.
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  13. Well you can be sad, even angry if you like or you can count your blessings and make the most of other options. You're a resourceful bright chap, you can turn this around!
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  14. Sure I can. Like I say I’m one of the lucky ones: I have a job, a home, no additional debt and I’m still married.....
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  15. Realising how much of my life was being wasted commuting to and from work.
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  16. Had some good luck with timing tbh.

    Got the pup just before the first lockdown.

    Managed to get building materials delivered during first lockdown. That coincided with good weather, so front of house, drive and patio completed without working in a mud bath. Realised I dont want to do any groundworks again after that...

    Our children managed to come over and stay with us in the summer, after lockdown.

    Managed a cracking bike trip in SE France in September with new and familiar roads, with two mates.

    Just finished the bathroom during the last lockdown, all complete a few days before Crimbo. Dragged on a bit with some delayed materials but I was not going anywhere far!

    Oh, bought a Monster 1200R, ready for next year with dry roads and hot weather....because I am not allowing 2021 to be another covid clusterfuck.

    Looking at that list maybe I should buy a lottery ticket because even missing return trip to UK to see family and mates it reads well!
  17. What a loaded question..... where to start??
  18. Come back when you're ready with the answer.;)
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  19. At the beginning might be a start :)
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  20. January?

    Hey all the comedians are in tonight!
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