848 New Turn/brake Lights For 848/1x98

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by BKDUC, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. The lights themselves are essentially done, it's everything else I'm tying together at the moment (packaging, supply chains,etc). Doing the best I can as my current staff consists of me, myself, and I. ;)

    Should be launching my indiegogo campaign end of this month, units will be shipped first come first served to all indiegogo backers, then regular orders off the site. So I highly suggest you order a set while the crowd funding campaign is going on as the lights will be up to 50% off retail price! (Looking at 100-120usd retail price as of right now)

    I just posted our Facebook link a few posts up if you want to add me for updates. I try to stay up to date on this thread daily tho so here is fine too :)

    I am as eager to get them on my bike as you guys, trust me! This has been about a year in the works, it's incredible how complex making a simple little light can be, but we are almost there :)
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  2. Hello BKDUC, very nice lights you have made and engineerd by your self. I have ad your Facebook at my account so Maybe your product is going over seas to the netherlands[emoji106]
  3. A following rider (BMW R1200GS) noted that my brake light was not very obvious on the 848, so these would make a huge difference just by having additional brake lights.
    This got me thinking and I ordered a set of LED rear indicators off ebay with brake lights built in, what a difference. If you want more info them have a look at the blog below. The shape of the new lights compliment the rear of the 848. You cannot go wrong for £6 for four.
  4. Just got the latest batch of boards in guys! They look STUNNING on the bike, cant wait to get another test video up for you to check out.

    Will try and get a new vid up in a few hours and start reaching out to the people who will be testing for me. :)

    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Meeee for testing please lol
  6. I would like to test them for you[emoji6][emoji106][emoji16]
  7. Nice, looking forward to seeing this in the flesh.
  8. 1 of 2, second video is alot bigger will post it when done uploading.

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  9. Looking good dude
  10. Annnnnd the one you REALLY wanted to see :)

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  11. Very Nice looking[emoji106]
  12. Looks great, the brake and turn set up looks brilliant.
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  13. Hey Guys!!!

    After posting a demo video, i am getting some great feedback!

    Help make these lights the BEST turn/brake lights for Ducati by voting on which blinking pattern you prefer for the turn signals while in "special mode" (sequential blink).

    A. Continuous "rolling on" (current design). The lights will flash row 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, etc.

    B. Sequential flash with pause. The lights will flash row 1, 2, 3, OFF, 1, 2, 3, OFF, etc.

    If there are any special reasons you chose one option over the other (like legality in your area) please post comments in addition to your vote.

  14. For me the continuous rolling design is better so there is no stoppage between the blinking. As for the legality i'm not too sure. I do know we can't have yellow/orange brake lights though, only red. I would imagine all uk users of this will have them as just turn signals with the existing brake/stop light.

    Looking forward to getting a set now for my daily commute.
  15. I don't think that brake lights can be any other colour than red anywhere in Europe. I like the standard "all on/all off" flashing of the brake lights, I think that they are too small to to roll from inside to outside.
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  16. Bare in mind Bob on the video they are flaring into the lens, hopefully in the flesh the beams are much more defined.
  17. I'm all for the plain on .. off brake light and standard blink rate of indicators, that way there will not be any issue with the MOT
  18. Not to confuse anyone, this is just a request for the SPECIAL blink mode on the turn signals, the regular full flash will not be affected.
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  19. 1198 tested and working great! Video to follow shortly when i get from the tester :)

    Should have 1098 results in the next week or 2, but i don't anticipate any issues because the 1198 tested so brilliantly. :D

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  20. Here is another spoiler pic from a 1098S tester, more to come soon from him :)

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