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Puncture Repair Kit Recommendations

Discussion in 'Tyres' started by firecat0_0, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. My stop-n-go kit came from amazon, although slightly convoluted instructions due to the unique tools. Its quite a piece of tech once you get you're head around the deployment of its mushrooms. Now too grab a mini-compressor.
  2. Really? Tell that to the guy a couple of years ago who had some slimy stuff in his tyres, rode over some broken glass, couldn't tell he'd had hundreds of tiny punctures then died from a crash caused by exactly that...
  3. i had the goop ( blue water based) stuff in my tyres as a just in case for my 2 week euro trip. Yesterday whilst loading the bike onto a stillage for its trip from Glasgow to Nice I spotted a small nail in the nearly new Rear. Decided to pull it out and expected the magic to happen. Nearly went flat without filling the hole !!!!
    In the end I've plugged it with the sticky rope kit I had and it held. (Tested for leakage with water)
    Now my worry is do I want to do 3k on it in the south of France n Itally with this 'temp' fix or risk it.
    Here is the nail. Not exactly massive yet the goop never sealed it. Nail did have some goop on it when I pulled it out.

  4. Depends how much you place on your own safety; value of been safe & or monetary outlays on other 'lifestyle' things. If you ride steady the sticky-rope should be fine then again you could buy a new tyre & remove all doubt!?
  5. i have had sticky rope plugs let go at speed, its meant to get you home (or to a garage)
    my type fitter says to keep it under 50mph with a rope plug

    the mushroom plugs (fitted from inside the tyre) work great (even done a trackday on a plugged tyre no problem)
  6. Mushroom plugs (Stop + Go) worked in the past with a rather large hole, jamming up to four mushroom plugs into the hole to get back home or to a tire shop.

    Well ~ the proof is in the pictures right here as my trusty and reliable tire plugging Neale kit http://www.tirerepairkit.com got me once again back home safe + sound earlier in the week.
    Shall use the rear tire till its really ready to change (entire thread gone)....








    Ride on, keep on pluggin' - keep on cruising as the roadside repair takes just 10-15 minutes.....
  7. Some confusion here. You are using the words "mushroom plugs" in a different sense from everybody else, I think. Your photos show the "black sticky string" method. By contrast, the "mushroom" method involves taking the tyre off the wheel and inserting the rubber mushroom from the inside. Just so we are clear ...
  8. Look here = Stop and Go International - Tire Repair and Inflation Products as different "mushroom plug kits" are out there..... hope clarifies any confusions and misunderstanding, happy pluggin'.....
  9. The GOOP I use is green colour with black silicone pieces floating in it. Never seen blue stuff.
  10. These are the type of mushroom repair plugs which are inserted from inside the tyre and vulcanised in place with glue to effect a permanent repair which will probably last the life of the tyre:
    This type would also be able to comply with the British Standards for tyre repairs.

    Stop&Go seem to be selling as a "mushroom" a quite different and much smaller device which is presumably a temporary repair. Some sellers use "mushroom" to refer to a crash bung. Such are the confusions of language!
  11. been good reading all you guys reviews and comments. I know its always at the back of my mind, "what if", so relied on RAC break down cover. However, I think it makes sence to also carry a quick repair kit as a get out of jail card. So thanks chaps,. I just bought: 'TYRE REPAIR KIT' by AUTOart. Look small enough to carry under the seat. So far, the only puncture had has been rideable screws through the rubber..........not bad for 30 years of biking :)
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