There is a German mep called Hans Olaf Henkel who as well as a liberal mep has been european boss of IBM, president of the federation of German industries (BDI) and has also been a chairman of many groups such as Bayer, Daimler etc and is currently on the advisory board of OMFIF where he is regularly involved in meetings regarding the financial and monetary system If you follow politics on brexit, outside of the U.K. and view how others see it then his view is not an unusual one
Bloody Tories, Westminister, blah, blah, drivel splurge........... Oh, er hang on......"The Scottish government was given powers over income tax rates and bands last year" Edit- I've just read it. I knew it ............."Mr Mackay has conceded that the budget is "set within a challenging context", although he points the finger at "continued austerity" from Westminster.
Yes I do, just giving others access to the correct opinion she needs to go and she hasn't arrived yet
So how will this work? #1 son and his wife both work for and are paid by English companies but now live in Jockland. What income taxes will they pay? English ones or toy town ones?
Yes, as with the Brexit, I urge you all to cast your vote in Elise's poll ... unless of course those bastards (just like Elise) prevent you by making it impossible for you to do so.
if there main residence is up here thy pay tax here if they work here. they can change the way they are payed, dividend? the tax goes south
What it might do, if done wrong, Could make Scotland the most expensive place to live in the U.K. for middle class and higher earners and it's those that often have cash and nouse, to create jobs for others at a time, some say Scotland is being underfunded. It will be interesting to see who they go after, how much they raise it by and will it be like labours economics of thinking the same money from the top 5% will be used a dozen times over, or will it be like France where the very mobile money people, just slip over the border to keep as much as their own money as they can?
Given the minimum price per unit on alcohol and the higher taxes, both could see Carlisle as one of the busiest Scottish non Scottish towns