Exige obviously has a large collection of handbags. Must have taken them from all those European babes he chats up. Or.. he buys them for himself.
no man should recognize the color cresantamym. anyhoo, looks like a shop display, brexiteers only stock these.
I'm always mostly happy. Its fun winding up people who can't think for themselves or see past the end of their own nose.
Never mind this Brexit malarkey, we seem to be forgetting about Scotland.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43226102 Not my opinion. As reported.
Toyota statement Dr Johan van Zyl, president of Toyota Europe, said: "Today's announcement that we will manufacture the new Auris at Burnaston, with most engines to be supplied from Deeside, shows our confidence in the skills and capabilities of our Toyota UK members." However, he added: "As a company, we are doing what we can to secure the competitiveness of our UK operations as a leading manufacturing centre for our European business. "With around 85% of our UK vehicle production exported to European markets, continued free and frictionless trade between the UK and Europe will be vital for future success." The government has also pledged to support the competitiveness of the UK sector after Brexit, and has invested £20m in Burnaston alongside Toyota. Business Secretary Greg Clark said Toyota's decision to build the new Auris model in Burnaston was "testament to the highly-skilled and committed workforce that helps make the UK's automotive sector one of the most productive in the world". A Toyota spokesman said the Auris would be built at Burnaston "for the life of the model". While it could not say how long that might be, typically this would last five years. The spokesman would not comment on the future of the Avensis, the other car Toyota builds in Britain, saying the firm did not comment on future product issues.
That is from your collection - burn it Dukey, burn it and don't piss on it it's Europe I love not your hero's in Brussels
No fuck the free trade! We want to govern ourselves and paint everything with Union Jacks and build a wall! We don't need Toyota! We can build British cars with British spanners from wood and patriotism! As long as no filthy Albanians or Germans or Ferrets or whatever it is are coming over on ships and boats and floating turds can come over we will win!
Dukey, I've finally found out what the fook is wrong with you: no wonder you are so friggin' miserable