1260 Duc-ee Fitted - Exhaust Valve Woes No More

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rainman, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. It plugs in under the seat. It's not the first connector you see that looks the same, it's one buried underneath that.
  2. Rainman - I fitted the Duc-ee to my DVT and it solved all my problems, not sure why you wouldn't leave it connected for your forthcoming trip?
    I can understand why Ducati wouldn't offer to contribute to the cost (this would be admission of a major manufacturing fault and open them up to other claims). However I do think they should at least replace the faulty item.

    (PS I actually think the DUC-ee has made the performance pick up a little quicker on low throttle settings)
  3. Oh I wasn't expecting them to cough up ... but I am expecting this to end up getting drawn out and turn into something that makes them fix it properly, for everybody, because it's nothing short of a fucking joke.

    I've already told them, I'll accept one warranty replacement with the same part number, and after that they'd better be coming up with different revision parts or I'm going to back the bike to the dealer - as a bike that randomly restricts itself isn't performing as advertised.
  4. Gee's, @Rainman. Dude, stop quoting stuff that just is not true. May I suggest you take the end can off and look at your exhaust valve with engine running. It's open at idle, pulls in during the mid rev ranges, and opens again at the higher rev ranges.

    #24 Wayne58, May 13, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. The mechanic at P&H told me once you add the DUC-ee it just stops the valve closing, no need to remove the cable or any other changes.
    • Like Like x 1
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  6. I fitted the Healtech Exhaust Servo Eliminator tonight, and I'm just back from a 30 miler. My 2015 S has the carbon Termi slip on.

    The bike feels better in my opinion. I used to feel it was slightly hesitant going through the town, or sitting at 50 on a motorway.

    Seems to breath a lot better now at lower revs. Money well spent.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. Mate, what are you on? Lol. What's in those videos is exactly as I described so I'm not sure what you're interpreting from those videos. There is another element that you're missing which I've discovered... it's not completely related to revs as the valve position is also dictated by throttle position. Take the cover off and go look for yourself. It's closed at idle. The sound alone tells you this and it's about as obvious as a kick in the balls. I'm riding around with the cover off because I've been pissing about with it so much lately so I'm watching it first hand.

    The reason that 2nd vid looks like it's changing at a point in the rev range low down is because the person operating the throttle is trying to hold it at 3000 RPM in neutral at a standstill, but when you're stationary and the engine isn't under load it's actually pretty hard to do and you're right on the hysteresis of the throttle being slightly open or shut. Therefore, when you try and hold at that low revs when not moving it jitters and moves around all over the place, because you're making the throttle position change. In the more basic terms, when you're riding that valve is as good as open and when you're stationary, it's closed - simples. Just your ears tell you this.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. It stops the valve from closing because to plug it in you have to disconnect the servo, but that's not the actual purpose of the DUC-EE however it is the net result. The only thing the DUC-EE actively does is clear the EML by sending the code to the ECU that the servo would otherwise have done. It's the absence of the servo that causes the EML to come on.

    The reason that Vizitech tell you to remove the cable is because it becomes superfluous and if there is some corrosion in the cable and it becomes stiff then that too could stop the valve from being closed by the spring. Having the DUC-EE installed also allows you to remove the cable, servo, etc and save some weight.
  9. I have looked loads, and the valve is fully open at idle. Unless the 1260 is different ? it pulls in during mid range to lessen the sound at town ride type revs, and re opens at high revs. That is exactly how the dvt and the ts bikes valves operate.
  10. Mate, go and watch the video again, but while doing so don't just listen to the engine revs, think about what the throttle position is likely to be. The valve closes the moment the throttle is shut, regardless of the revs. You can see the throttle completely shutting whilst the revs are reducing, well before it reaches idles ... because the throttle position is closed.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  11. This is how I have found my DVT works as well. Would be interesting if the 1260 is different, does the 1260 idle noticeably quieter then the DVT
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. This is how I have found my DVT works as well. Would be interesting if the 1260 is different, does the 1260 idle noticeably quieter then the DVT
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. The valve default is open at idle and in the video it pulls in as he revs it. I have drilled three out on 3 Multi's, and in all, during idle the valve is fully open. I can't be bothered to even debate any more cause as usual, your opinion is all that counts, one of the few folk who seem to confuse their own opinion with fact. Maybe the 1260 is different but the default on all the 1200s I've had is open at idle.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. You Sir are correct, default at idle is open as here...... :upyeah:

    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. If I remove the cable from the exhaust before fitting the DUC-EE obviously the engine light comes on but will fitting the eliminator turn it back off or does the dealer have to do this?
  16. Look, we're missing the real point in all this. Whether it's open or closed at idle is actually irrelevant to the issue and it's pointless even debating it, since it doesn't actually matter.

    The issue is that the valve seizes up and remains closed at all revs - that's simply all there is to it.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  17. The DUC-EE's job is to stop the light coming on. That's all it does.
  18. So, after a zillion paragraphs arguing and talking utter crap about the valve, you can't even hold your hands up and say "I was wrong" or I apologise for the sanctimonious and condescending way I talk to people. It's the same with that horse shit you wrote about the MT10.... You were wrong !! That's simply all there is to it !!
    So again, stop writing complete shit that simply isn't true !!
    #38 Wayne58, May 14, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  19. As and when I've got a working valve I'll get a video together, from the angle that actually matters. Something you've not produced yourself yet.

    I honestly haven't got the foggiest what you're going on about, and not sure why the sudden need to resort to a personal attack when I've been nothing but civil to you.

    What stuff about the MT10? Are your reading more into something than there actually is, or do you have something against me? I'd considered you to be a decent sort of chap, maybe we don't agree on everything, but hey that's life.
  20. Dude, read some of your previous posts. It's not a personal attack, it's the fact that people come on here for information and can possibly take that info as gospel and react to what they read. If something is written that is "utter tosh" as you so eloquently put it, then folk can rectify faults or make decisions based on the vast Ducati knowledge written on here. So you crack on, make your video, as I'm not about to remove my end can just to prove what I already know having extensively watched the stupid valve over and over again, after doing the same thing on 3x Multi's already.
    #40 Wayne58, May 14, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2018
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