899 Fuelling Issue

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Kage, May 15, 2018.

  1. Yeah-pins all dead straight.
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  2. Defo sounds pump related and if you put a new air filter in its likley something has been disturbed. But you seem to have had it all off again and it’s ok?

    Kill switch problem? Simply coincidence?
  4. Service has been re-scheduled for the 9th. I may end up having to hire a van and dropping it off if I cannot sort it in time...
  5. Have you caught the fuel line in the tank when you lifted it up? it hasn't come disconnected from the fuel line union? plastic toggle you push in

    Check the plug is pushed into the pump enough

    Where the servo is theres a few fuses, check they haven't been disturbed
  6. I'd like to test the fuel pump relay next. Does anyone know where it is located on the 899? A picture might help me. I cannot find anything on the internet.
    Many thanks
  7. I have a workshop manual on Dropbox I think somewhere, I’ll chevk if I have when I get home and send you a link if it’s still there.
  8. That would be very kind bradders. Thank you.
  9. Sorry, I don’t have one, I had a load but purged them a while back to what I need.
  10. No worries Bradders.
    Anyone else know where the fuel pump relay is?
  11. 4603B9D9-5855-4742-813E-D995FE1A0B51.jpeg SORTED.
    Quite annoying what it was. The pins on the fuel pump were fine. Dead straight. But three of the four silver plugs had been pushed back in their housing. I only found this out as my dealer suggested testing 12v was getting to the plug. On initial inspection I couldn’t see any contacts, so I proceeded to take the plug apart.

    I guess they either got pushed back on reassembly by poor alignment on my part, or pull back when I removed the plug in the first place.

    Jeez, I’m happy the bike is now working. Missed all the nice weather though!
    • Like Like x 4
  12. It’s amazing how many times it’s something simple that we have done ourselves but can’t spot. :upyeah:
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