LUIS&PM!!!!!!!!! I am tempted to shout "bitch" every time I see someone wearing shit yourself trousers!
Indeed. According to a friend, if you put the condom in place, sit on your hand and induce pins and needles (preferably your regular wanking hand, but not essential), then pull one off whilst thinking about your person of choice, you will come to a very satisfactory conclusion. To be honest, I've never tried it, so I wouldn't know.
Some employers want their employees to exercise discretion, judgement and flexibility; other employers insist their staff obey instructions strictly, on pain of dismissal. It is employees with bosses of the second type whom you call 'spineless'. So what do you expect people to do? What would you do?
Many many things but the ones bugging me most recently have been the snifflers, snorers and toddlers in train carriages (after the trip to Excel today) together with paper shredders which claim to take e.g. 12 sheets at a time, but choke and jam when you put 5 pieces of paper in at once.
Set your e:mail to preview. You can then read the e:mails without opening them. It really annoys people!