to coin a phrase phrase of coin said when introducing a new expression or a variation on a familiar one, or ironically to show one's awareness that one is using a hackneyed expression. "she was, to coin a phrase, swept off her feet"
It's time someone had a backbone and stood up to them, just say, as there's no movement on the EU side there is no point coming over for discussions, we will continue with our preparations for no deal, give us a ring if anything changes and you want to come over here for a chat. Steve
To be fair he was not referring to the voters Not was he referring to the result. He was referring to the shambles that sits before us, and again to be fair, he is correct. There should have been much more thought, consideration and planning given to the process. Not being a snowflake, I find it easy to agree with this. It’s a shambles. I would feel much more confident if the Tory party could agree on the colour of shite. That wouldn’t be a starting point. They can’t even do that!
You are in good company. That’s the way most people use that phrase. No surprise you picked it up the way you did. You will have a lot of fun correcting all the Native English speaking people who use it incorrectly
Christ, I know your language better than you. It’s only changed meaning because it has been continually misused. Not a great advert for the education system Coin a phrase What's the meaning of the phrase 'Coin a phrase'? To create a new phrase. What's the origin of the phrase 'Coin a phrase'? 'To coin a phrase' is now rarely used with its original 'invent a new phrase' meaning but is almost always used ironically to introduce a banal or clichéd sentiment. This usage began in the mid 20th century; for example, in Francis Brett Young's novel Mr. Lucton's Freedom, 1940: "It takes all sorts to make a world, to coin a phrase."
Imagine, before going into battle, the army was as disorganised and unaware of its opponents as this government is?
On the plus side, maybe there is a chance that Tusk, losing the plot today, is a sign they are going to cave? You never know.
In trying to improve my English I always see if I can spot grammatical errors. I see a few in the above post. Line 1 - No full stop after the word 'voters' . Line 2 - Should this be a separate line ? Should really be added to Line 1 according to my textbook. Line 3 - Spelling error - 'Shit' not 'shite' Line 3 - Shouldn't the sentence start 'I am not being ...' rather than 'Not being a ....' Line 4 - Shouldn't 'That wouldn't be a starting point' say 'That would be my starting point' ? I'm unsure. Line 4 - Space needed between 'that' and the exclamation mark. I cannot see any other errors. I have an exam next week, I practicing my skills on you so I can pass with an A !
as opposed to your view through the eyes of your colon as your head is firmly up your own arse? Colonial? we are moving away from anything resembling an empire, europhillia is the new empire, they are not reaching out for kisses and hugs I shall contact my mp and ask him to look at your posts. I believe we will get 100% agreement on what shite looks like
He would have known the mike was still on and seem to care not with the whisper comment. They either know the end result or have given in expecting wto free trade, either way, they seem to care not.
Just for curiosity, I wonder how many MPs from the 27 have read the 500+ page withdrawal agreement that Tusk and his merry band have signed them up to or are they content to be told what is right for them. Steve
It was an incredible, premeditated outburst from Tusk today. I am really struggling to understand what he was trying to achieve? May going back to further investigate what possibilities are still available over the backstop, is the correct thing to do. If, she receives another humiliation, the EU will, together with Tusk's comment, perhaps push a few more MP's towards accepting a WTO Brexit. If I was a Remainer, I'd be pretty disappointed with the way things are going! I think the EU's true colours are on display.
The thing about the backstop is, given the U.K. has said no hard border will be placed on the N.I./U.K. side , The backstop is not to protect the republic from the U.K. but in reality, the backstop is needed to protect the republic from the e.u. forcing them to install a hard border on their side and so, breaking the GFA
I think he's just realised that for the very first time in the EU's history, a referendum result that has gone against the EU will not be run again or just ignored. A whole new experience for the EU cabal.
Is it possible that the EU is so certain of their May-creature that they feel they can get away with literally anything ... so they are just doing outrageous stuff for S&Gs?