If May had done a great job, we would not be in this situation. Rightly or wrongly, her deal has been comprehensively derided, and rejected by the largest vote in the UK governments history. This very same deal that May already agreed with the EU. Her "Deal" never changes; her expectation is that the EU will change position without her own position changing. Its clear a compromise is needed by both sides. Its also very interesting that the EU said yesterday the current alleged negotiations are in fact a fudge and that no actual negotiations are taking place. May simply refuses to see the obvious.
Are we still running with the "May is incompetent" story? Really? May has shown vast competence in achieving her goals. The only true incompetence is people's read on what those goals actually are.
Nonsense. I credit her with competently following instructions from her masters. A springer spaniel could do her job, and be funny and endearing at the same time. I'd give a springer spaniel too much credit - they're cute!
Damn shame. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-b...-wings-of-uk-game-shooters-idUKKCN1QF1TB?il=0! If only something important would be affected, then we might get somewhere.
wont happen, the SNP are systematicly killing the hunting estates by introducing a minimal tax on them. a tax removed by the uk gov a few years back. poor queeny isnt happy and is appealing her bill.
Apologies if this has been posted already but it seems w me don’t have the correct pallets tonteade under WTO Rules https://www.businessinsider.com/bre...y-meeting-over-no-deal-chaos-2019-2?r=US&IR=T Can Scotland just leave the U.K. now? This is a shambles beyond even what I envisaged
Few more weeks and No Deal will be voted out, the transistion period for the rest of our lives will soon start, and the pallets will all be OK.
Really, you believe that! so the pallets we use on the 29th March will be no good on the 30th even though they are already Euro Pallet's FFS! Don't panic, don't panic - what a load of Shall we stop all the EU's pallets coming into the UK too
And now I am going for it. Since the U.K. barred non U.K. citizens from voting in the EU REFERENDUM, it’s only fair that Scotland follow suit. Non Scots with the exception of EU Citizens should not be allowed to vote. Obviously, EU citizens should be allowed to vote since it affects their ability to stay in Scotland and remain within the EU. Everybody else, including those from England, Wales and especially Northern Ireland should not be allowed to vote. That’s the direct equivalent of how the U.K. conducted the EU referendum.
Apparently it’s true. Like you I thought it was a spoof, but a Euro pallet is different from a U.K. pallet. They are smaller. I have no idea what a WTO pallet is.