A very narrow example based upon the specifics of his business. His business type is extremely rare and probably suffers the effects of competition in the E.U. above all else. What’s stopping Norton exporting “overseas” currently?
JB, as I never post links , I think you might find that ANY financial times links posted, when clicked on, only ever takes you to their subscription page, so I'm told...by someone who posts links
Because we wont educate properly here? The Tories are just fiddling around the edges to make it seem as though something has changed.
I'm not a fan of Philip Hammond, but I'm afraid he just schooled that imbecile John McDonnell on basic math. How did that clown and Corbyn manage to trick so many people? It's truly amazing they're still in their jobs. All the country needs is a half baked new party and it's likely to springboard both of the current runners
and? My children have higher education, so do my wifes children. Currently trying for jobs at Lidl, Aldi ... Meanwhile the UK still prefer ready trained alternatives for places in the NHS etc. So it just does not stack up. Higher education must include real further education in the work place, with real apprenticeships and real job progression. More folks going to University does not resolve this. Neither does allowing in ''only the brainy''. Seriously find it funny that one of the main immigration issues seems to now be, importing labour from 'not the EU'. Then its job done? At what point will we then say, ''hold on, all these foreigners are taking our jobs?" It seems somewhat ironic and a complete double standard on the side of Brexiteers.
Sure, if using the remoaners stereotypical views, thanks for another waste of time post full of nothing
I'm not a fan of Philip Hammond, but I'm afraid he just schooled that imbecile John McDonnell on basic math. How did that clown and Corbyn manage to trick so many people? It's truly amazing they're still in their jobs. All the country needs is a half baked new party and it's likely to springboard both of the current runners. . 10 points behind in the polls and a distand third up here hold a GE tomorrow they will lose all their seats bar one. torys lose 4 too.
Remind me, when the last election was annouced, wasn't it suggested that the Tories would win by a landslide, and Nicola would retain all her seats?
Okay jb, your wondering into silly land again so I'll bring you back brother You asked...... Because we wont educate properly here? I then supplied a linky, wahooo, not from government but from UCAS, the University and Colleges Admission Service who clear as day stated with statistics and fact, your question was bolloxs I hope I've helped, you're welcome
no, the polling was bang on the nail up here. loss of twelve seats to the torys. twelve it was. i suspect that was one of the reasons she held it when she did.
Since I was very much younger and at skool edyukashin has reely gon downhil 2 the poynt wer'e nowun can reed, spel or punkchuwate proply.
I have noticed on this err Brexit thread that remoaners get much more tetchy and have far less fun than Brexiretards - does that tell you something regarding a bright and happy future Vs a stuck in the mud slowly sinking grumpiness of remainderland