Cats and the RSPCA

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by marc.w, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. I've just had a garlic pizza bread. Could do with some desert...
  2. The suspense is killing me *
  3. I liked The Cat in Red Dwarf.
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  4. I observed a cat carefully excavate a hole and defecate into it, it then backfilled the hole leaving no sign of excrement.
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  5. are you some sort of Cunt !!
    you sound like a chave retard that uses his pet as a weapon[/QUOTE]

    that should c,h,a,v i think...

    thanks for your enlightened contribution. dont bump your head on the way out.
  6. I truly believe that funky is a master baiter (of forum members, not badgers).
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  7. Clearly the problem is just a question of training...
    #107 bolsover, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  8. We too have a bengal, and you may or not know but they are unlike most domestic moggies, the breading line makes them almost wild.

    Ours can be a nightmare, it is very vocal, especially around other cats and foxes we have around us. She loves to hunt ,and by god she is good at it, Rats,Mice, vowels & birds, in various states between alive and half eaten !

    RSPCA wont do a thing !


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  9. Phwoar.
  10. vowels, I like a good vowel... I'll take an e please bob!

    That dear sir is a lovely cat! :)
  11. apart from a pigeon once my bengal x norwegianforest always brings in mice

    but it does have a thing for bare ankles
  12. iPad spell checker strikes again
  13. Here's our terrors....

    IMG_0132a.jpg IMG_0136a.jpg


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  14. I understand what you're saying Nick, and would agree that may be the case if you have an F1 or a very early generation cat, or a cat from a bloodline that has not been selectively bred for showing. But ours are many generations removed from their wild Asian Leopard Cat ancestor and were purchased from a very successful show cat breeder and they have to remove that wild tendency from their lines because they will be marked down at shows for displaying aggression etc.
  15. lady Sev has fallen in love with your kittens! do they eventually turn the tiger colour of their mother and Nik the Greek's?
  16. Yes Sev, their coats change a lot during the 1st few months. You can also get silver ones.
  17. I think our is 3 rd generation, she is not aggressive , far from it in fact she is very well natured, great with kids, everyone who comes to our house falls in love with her.

    She is very demanding, and is a man's cat, the mrs has had normal cats before, and a Bengal is like nothing she has had before, we got her from a friend who had two, the other was a male silver one, who was very dominant and ours did not get a look in, plus I am allergic to cat and dog fur, but their pelt coat does not bother me .

    Seeing earlier posts on this thread,, apart from the stupid comments, cats do roam about, if I knew where she had left a pressie, I would happily remove it! She has a litter tray, but very rarely uses it only in really bad weather, for some reason she prefers grass, which I am told is not normal for cats as they usually use soil ?
  18. that should c,h,a,v i think...

    thanks for your enlightened contribution. dont bump your head on the way out.[/QUOTE]
    sorry for my error cat killer and i still hold with my last statement
  19. Frow wikepedia: "Bengal cats have "wild-looking" markings, such as large spots, rosettes, and a light/white belly, and a body structure reminiscent of the leopard cat.[SUP][1][/SUP] A Bengal's rosetted spots occur only on the back and sides, with stripes elsewhere. The breed typically also features "mascara" (horizontal striping alongside the eyes), and foreleg striping.
    The Bengal cat is usually either classed as brown-spotted or snow-spotted (although there are more colours, brown and snow are the only colours of Bengal that the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (UK) recognize). Within brown Bengals, there are either marble or spotted markings. Included in the spotted variation is rosetted, which consists of a spot with a dark line surrounding it. Snow Bengals are also either marble or spotted, but are also divided into blue-eyed or Any Other Colour eyes"

    Ours is a Brown Marble.
  20. This one brings back bl**dy stoats........alive..........three in a month now....
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