So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Home from a few days in "that London" With the kids and the olds. Now very skint :-(
  2. Been finalising our Wembley day out for saturday :biggrin:
  3. That'll learn ya! Somewhere in the sun for a week is always cheaper!
  4. been sat in a Notaria office in Spain getting more and more frustrated with the process of selling a property...............with the ultimate sense of calm after about 2 hours,,,,,
  5. Explain that again :)
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  6. Yesterday I negotiated the London train system from the outskirts into Victoria then tube to paddington and home on my own
    I was a little nervous but soon settled into looking like a seasoned traveller
    It only took 6 hours!!
    Today I shall be resting and enjoying the rest of my week off
    Pity it's raining :-/

    I walked past here didnt have time to visit but that's on my list for next time as I wont be far from it :)
  8. So far I've been trying to find out the corporate tax implications for working in Turkey. Nobody knows nowt so far!
  9. About to go out for a good friends leaving do after 22 years in the Army! Gonna be a messy one! Wish me luck!!
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  10. Good luck your gonna need it
  11. You did well.Bit daunting using the London train system,especially the underground if on your own.
  12. Only if you're a Jessie :wink:
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  13. Thank you merv
    I followed the crowd to find the underground from Victoria and finding circle line was quite easy
    I shall feel more confident using it again.
  14. No my names not Jessie isn't she on the Voice :)
  15. I used to like Jessie J, and then she joined The Voice. I have never seen anyone so far up their own arse. It's unbelievable.

    I'm amazed she hasn't managed to turn herself inside out.
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  16. Indeed. I've lived in London for 40 years and still find travelling by underground/overground/bus to be complicated, confusing and aggravating so I don't use public transport very much. It's not even cheap. Travel by bike or car when possible; even London traffic is preferable. Strangers and visitors have my sympathy.
  17. I am quite happy to use the underground-but I don't like the crowding,pushing and shoving that goes with the experience.The buses tend to confuse me.I did like walking in London,but I cannot walk far these days.
    I think when I visit London this coming May I might push the boat out and use Taxis-no doubt I will still be shocked by the fares charged these days,but could be the nicest way to travel.
  18. It cost me £55.60 one way
    That's a day pass and main train from paddington to Hereford
  19. Not cheap was it?
  20. It was cheaper than £55.61 one way :upyeah:
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