So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Correct:upyeah:
  2. It was 25 in Geneva when I landed this evening.


    But now that I am back, it will apparently be 13 and wet tomorrow (just so that I feel at home).
  3. Not Basil Faulty styleee with branches I hope ?
  4. Is there any other way..?
  5. Yesterday was a dissappointing day on many fronts :frown:
  6. friday! : )
  7. May be better. May not be :frown:
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  8. Thanks for that. I'd forgotten how cheesey they were :upyeah:
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  9. Ordered a new rear tyre, its only done 2400 miles! Need to calm down...:rolleyes:
  10. on her bike of course, but cant say where, its a forum secret
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  11. Was thinking if removing it and sticking it someplace else :-/
  12. Got my 999s out and took it for its MOT. Had a brilliant ride on dry roads, and even managed to get some heat in the tyres :upyeah:
  13. Hired a painter for a six month contract, he was well pleased.
  14. Sat in the garage looking whistfully at the Ducati for a while... still weighing up if getting back on early is brave or stupid....
  15. Don't under estimate your injuries. Be careful otherwise you'll do more damage than good.
  16. I had a half decent day. :smile:
  17. Bollocks to that, have a go :upyeah:

    Just take it easy
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  18. Yep, totally agree. The best way to build you riding muscles up is to ride. And I daresay after a big off, there is a certain amount of trepidation surrounding the idea of a ride; again, the best way to deal with it is to climb back into the saddle. In both cases if you're not ready you can always stop.
  19. Had a great day out on the bike with a mate on his Triumph, Weather was fantastic:cool:
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