we have a few machines. xyz prototracks and fanuc controls. we program most stuff in cam software so we can do the fancy cutter paths
the XYZ's are quite good for the small stuff, I used to be able to write custom Macro's in Fanuc, but that was before CAM creally took over. They look good
Basically about 400 sets it would seem. Nice to see the spirit of enterprise is unbowed by this buttfuck of a situation. Someone will be along soon to say this is non-essential work. We all know it is essential, as those chains just won’t adjust themselves!
ah while this is all doing on I have also been making PPE for the NHS etc. if anyone would like to make a donation to keep the flow of stuff gong you can read what's been going on in this Facebook fundraiser. https://www.facebook.com/donate/238181937371422/
I mean we have to realistic. A batch this size isn’t going to be cheaper than the Gilles ones that were made in the 1000s so the will be around 150-180 a set