Rear Scorpion Punctured after only 1900 miles.....

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Ape2Duc, May 20, 2013.

  1. it must be something with these scorpions i had my first rear puncture in 28 years of on road riding at 1955miles have now put rp3s on totally transforms the already superb mutley now awaiting our pending italy/austria trip in 11days 3 hours and twenty five seconds but hey ho whos counting:upyeah:
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  2. You can use the 190/50's on the rear but it effs up your DTC brain. 190/55 is the go.
  3. PR3's are the business! Accept no substitute ;-)
  4. I seem to have read quite a few stories about punctures on this tyre!

    Ordered and being fitted tomorrow, I have made the right choice I think......
  5. Fitted! How bloody quickly do these turn in?!!! lol

    Having to remove the exhaust to remove the rear wheel is a PITA!!!


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  6. Ape2Duc you could have had my Rear Scorp for £25. Has 4/5mm of tread all over. Now have a set of MPR3's fitted and just got back from a 650 mile round trip to York and the moors. They were fine. The scorp is on the for sale/wanted bit of the Forum.
  7. Too late now mate, oh well
  8. Pilot Road 3....
    Wow, just wow!!!

    Transformed the bike!!!!
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  9. Has anyone tried Pilot Power 3's? as opposed to Pilot Road 3. Can't see any reference to this tyre in the forum.
  10. MCN have tested a set of Pilot Power 3's on a Hyperstrada (which I think of as a 800cc Multi) and MCN were complimentary, so I think I will give them a go.
  11. off the back of that comment I have ordered a set for my Multistrada!

    I am off to the Dutch TT at the end of the month and its guaranteed to be wet. i am travelling over with three really quick lads who are on sports bikes and will be 'pushing on a bit' so want to trust the tyres.

    .The original Scorpions are only 600 miles old so I will chuck them on the Bay to see if I can recoup some of the cost.
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