You should replace lock plate, the nut can come off but the sprocket will stay on the spline loose. This will eventually wear through the Splines and you will Loose drive and have to replace the final motion shaft.
not fitted yet, wanted to check as no, nothing there thats a locking washer, just regular washer. Looks like chain has been fitted a long time without it, I'd say probably 10k. Didn't expect the Monster to be any different to 99* so was surprised.
Is that the ‘new’ Multistrada IL4 after the fallout from the V4 announcement, also do you know if the forums multistrada section has combusted?
So when did Ducati change the retention of the front sprocket? Both my '97 900SS and my current '05 S4R have the sprocket retained by a plate, which rotates in a groove half a spline and is bolted to the sprocket, as per the photo. Never been a problem to remove or caused a failure.
I’ve managed to grab a copy of a workshop manual and it’s a toothed washer with a tab. I’ve ordered one online and hoping it turns up for fitting this weekend. although the next step will be my third at neatly lock wiring the stroke the hub bolts!
I agreed with Sparch’s post as to what should be there but I also know that if the retaining washer on mine had flung itself off at some point the b’stard sprocket still would not have budged
While I wait for the retaining washer, I thought I’d get the gunk out and give this what may have been it’s first clean ever! Not pristine but happy it’s much better and can live with the result Before After