Sounds like a plan Best wishes for a clear coarse filter next time you see it ! One added point, the oil pumps on Desmodues can occasionally be reluctant to reprime initially when the screen and cartridge have been out and the system fully drained. Some people will just churn the starter and let it run until the light goes out, but how long is too long ?! I prefer to reprime the oil system from both sides of the external oil cooler and “zero load” the engine (plugs out, earthed) before turning the starter and find the oil pressure is up (Light out) pretty much instantly. Probably overkill, but it makes me happy!
Oil pressure was good even though I left it draining overnight, with the oil cooler removed too to get as much of the old oil out as I possibly could. The 52 pilots are in and the float heights set to 12mm. I just need to get the new front wheel in and for the rain to stop....
New wheel in today and every part of the bike feels better than it did before, in particular the slightly raised bars (my poor arthritic wrists!). It's carburating much better, although I may go down on the mains - 155s now, maybe down to 150s. I do like the black front wheel. That's another winter job on the list - paint the rear one!
I think I've found most of the missing ponies. Having been out yesterday with another couple of chums/forum inmates, one of the chaps who has had a 900IE in the past had a spin and agreed that quite a few had done a runner. He likened it to running on 1 1/2 cylinders and was blaming carburation but as the FCRs are spotless and set within similar parameters to other users I disagreed. He suggested fitting injection, I just scowled at him. Heathen.... So, last night and this morning was spent scouring the interweb for a possible single solution, when one on jumped straight out at me this morning. I was planning on doing a compression test but I don't have a 12mm adapter, and also checking the ignition timing but another mate has my strobe and he's 80 miles away. Anyway, the thread stated that the ignition pickups are polarity dependent, and if even one is wired backwards the motor would be very flat. This makes sense as the pickup would pulse on the trailing and not the leading edge, therefore retarding the ignition for that cylinder. The rear plug has always seemed to be wet (although I hadn't checked them since fitting the new pilots and dropping the float heights), and the rear cylinder always seemed to be much cooler than the front. So, after checking the pickup and coil resistances I noticed that the wiring to the vertical cylinder wasn't original, and also one of the (female) pins in the plug was in backwards. I popped out the pins and swapped them over.... The motor started and kept running at the second attempt from cold, the rear pot warmed at the same rate as the front and it ticked over like a purring bag of spanners. Previously it sounded like an ord dumper at tickover. For the first couple of minutes a big cloud of carbon sprayed out of the pipes whilst it cleared its tubes, and then on just blipping the throttle the response was instant! Of course it's now throwing it down so there won't be a test ride today, but fingers crossed that's most of the horses unleashed!
Yep, having managed to nip out on patchy damp roads tonight I can confirm the return of the missing nags. I'm a happy man!
It's been a while, but it's the same for everyone at the moment I suppose... Anyway, in between lockdowns I picked up a nice set of pattern bodywork for the SL from a forum inmate, where it's been sat on a shelf until this week. But on Friday I finally got around to fitting it, and I'm a very happy man. Thanks again, you know who you are... Roll on Spring, and hopefully the restarting of classic track days!
I didn't see the Katana post, Suze GSX F? I've got one in bits, GSX1100F 1991, one of the exhaust downpipe bolts sheered, but not got around to sorting it yet. She's got an electric screen too hahaha But I tell ya, this is like riding a sofa, 200miles with no saddle sores
Very nice bike that. And another classic mini being used as a shelf. That's one of the reasons I recently sold mine.
The Mini belongs to my Wife and is a "long term" project. I am in the process of talking to people about sorting the shell though so it might be done sooner rather than later. Maybe....
Why thank you! It's in bits now so that I can paint the fairing subframe and brackets.... I was going to send you a PM but couldn't for some reason - did you get your carbs sorted?
I posted them to a dude in Northampton about a month ago. He reckoned it would be a couple of months until he'd get to take a look. My 851 is ready for re-assembly. Just need to make some space and find time.