Update for you, Ducati inspected it and apparently the previous owner had removed crash bungs from that bit and not replaced a bar of some sort (between both sides I think, dunno 'cos that's where the subframe bolts on on my Enduro).
I realise you are getting second hand info but I cannot reconcile that assessment with the photos provided. Crash bungs do not fit where the frame is circled in the third photo. Andy
I can believe that removing the tie bar from the lower frame attachment point and not replacing it with the purpose made crash bung rod would put a great deal of strain on the lattice weld as shown.
Ah, that makes more sense. The R&G aero crash bungs just replace the OE engine bolt. Doesn’t add up. Andy
That is an expensive mistake to make hope it wasn't sold to the current owner like that with the bolt missing!!
Sounds like the OE engine bolt wasn't put back in when the crash bungs were removed. He did say something about the engine having dropped a bit.
If the seller/previous owner/anyone in the chain of ownership deny any liability or fault, I’d have thought redress would have to be sought through the British courts. Not sure I’d like to be the one who has to weigh up the costs associated with fitting a new frame against the court costs with no certainty of winning. Andy
Not sure anyone but the current owner can be liable. They just need to suck it up, and as suggested get it stripped and welded.
Looks like the a previous owner removed the crash bungs when they sold/part ex the bike and had lost the bar that goes through the frame and engine. I have done this myself but instead of selling the bike without it I ordered a new one to replace it, approx £20. Think if he can be traced I would be telling him what a f*"^in idiot he is as this could potentially cause a life threatening accident. Also, if you've bought this from a dealer should they not take the responsibility as surely checks should be made before selling on Glad it was discovered before something serious happened
Unfortunately you have to prove previous owner did the removing, buyer beware and all that. Exactly this, try and get it repaired.