V4 Pikes Peak

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steelboss, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Hmm, thanks everyone. Wonder what's going on with mine then. It's not crazy usage, kinda like my 1260, but it started off from new not using any at all
  2. Just get your dealer to log it so if in the unlikely event it becomes an issue they will be aware of it and during servicing should pay more attention to the level when they wipe the Ducati branded oily rag over it. Other rags are available.
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  3. Just back from a 3000 mile round trip from Glasgow to Barcelona . (V4s) . It has now done 7000 miles and I had to put in 2 fifths of a litre of oil and top up the coolant which was just above the low mark. The temp in Spain was on some days 32c and the final leg home from Dijon to Glasgow was done in one day (800 miles and 16 hours) The bike behaved faultlessly. First time driving in the dark and the cornering light on the motorway were amazing.
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  4. How do you top up coolant? The manual tells you to take it to the dealer! I can't see an easy way of getting to the overflow bottle.
  5. A real pain in the ass. I removed the side panels , loosened the tank cover, and the nose cone. Basically trying everything to get at the bottle. Its the nose cone that hides the bottle, and on hindsight, I should have aimed at all the screws around the cone first. But then I still might have had the take out more around the tank cover. I was so pleased to eventually get access, I didn't analysed how much I had removed that I may not have had too.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. [​IMG]
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  7. Artic Roll

  8. Can’t beat a decent snow foaming
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I have just refilled the oil with 9,500 km (8,500 since first service). I only had to add 200cc of oil.

    Tourist use in Europe with my wife (heat wave with 45 degrees in Spain this summer) 5,500 km and 2,000 km in solo sports use and the rest on Sunday ride.

    Up to 2500 km I did a very strict break-in.

    I hope this information is helpful.
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  10. Does anyone know if there's a special tool for removing the engine oil filter plate, if not, what size of bolts are needed to prize the cover plate off evenly?
  11. With some M8 screws that thread well into the cover itself, they act as an extractor.
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  12. Full system has arrived and getting fitted tomorrow.

    After nearly writing my car off yesterday, my mood has improved considerably!
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  13. The sooner you buy one of these the sooner I can lend it
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  14. Only if he'll borrow it to you ;):laughing:
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  15. you’re not allowed near the Garage anymore
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Bought some, Oil change now the Weekend
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  17. Anyone know the spec for the drive chain? i.e. gauge and number of links.
  18. B3FD0645-DED3-487E-AB84-6291F42F9194.png
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  19. Hmm, I want to replace the standard chain with an RK ZXW in black but can’t find one that’s 126 links.
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