So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I’m seething mate.
    #84501 bradders, Jan 13, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2023
  2. The problem is bradders that most folk have'd to pay in the system over 4/5 plus decades, so they should receive free medical care in my opinion.
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  3. Hi Paul have amended your post as it's the lounge
    Pop into speakers corner
  4. C’mon! It’s just a simple immature rant! Not a debate about nhs. Isn’t that what the lounge is for?!
  5. Splendid, marked down for no rim tape though I’m afraid.:)

    Marked up for Storm of Steel though, lads currently reading it then it’s my turn.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Finished building a covered area on the side of my workshop to get the ride on mower etc out the weather. Used the frame from the poly tunnel I took down last week.
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  7. I've gone from the first pic to the second pic 20221215_135332.jpg 20230109_133452.jpg
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  8. “Lounge” is meant to be lighthearted. “Speakers Corner” is where you can be more vocal, for want of a better term.

    I don’t think Viv’s amendment lessens the rant any. It still conveys your disgust perfectly well.
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  9. What happened bud, been rumbled on having a DR poke his finger up your anus for the 7th time this year? You’re gonna need to find ya thrills elsewhere.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. What…you can get that on the nhs? I’ve been paying for it!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  11. If only. Waited 6 weeks for Dr appt, there is only one I want to speak to, who is actually my named Dr, get tel appt only and 20 min after the allotted time a text to say he can’t make it so a registrar, ie trainee, will call me. The 20 mins of dross with what sounded like a 20yr old girl lecturing me and reading from a script. I wanted him as I trust his advice. I wasn’t given advice. She didn’t even know what the call was about. I haven’t sworn so much in a long time, off the call, obvs, ruined my game of golf, meant I went from David Banner to Hulk for the last 9 holes. It was all I could do not just to tell her to get a grown up to call me… compared to that, a finger up the arse, shit a hand up the arse, would be pleasant.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. You can. Trust me ;)
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  13. It was the deletion I objected to. But I’m over it ;)
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  14. bradders can, I’m not registered for a Dr. so for me no I pay privately for a ‘nurse’ to do mine.
  15. Can’t really argue with that tbh. DAMHIK.
  16. Kinky.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Bradders, I agree completely with your statements of the NHS, especially GPS and appointments. I've struggled with my back for 2 years , and have been able to see a gp once, and Sent for an xray. Waited 12 weeks for the results. Absolute disgrace. But ,the treatment my dad received on ice before he died, same NHS, different people was , very comforting. The nurses were absolutely precious. So some do care , just not the ones we need .
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  18. It was a frustrated teenage tantrum. To be clear, I am not an advocate of privatising nhs. I have great care first hand. I have had shocking lack of care first hand.

    But it’s lack of care generally (that’s as much process as people) and organisation I find infuriating. It’s all well and good when the blame the govt, but they don’t decide how the billions are spent: the civil servants and nhs managers do. It’s disgraceful the managemnet teams haven’t had a resource replenishment plan operating for years: they’ve had the funds.
  19. Very nice. Yes, direct drive is awesome! Enjoy.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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