848 What If No Second Key And Code Card?

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by RC1, Sep 28, 2018.

  1. Hi ChrisW,
    You seem to be very knowledgeable on this topic. I am in a pickle and not making much head way to resolve. I have a 1098s with one key only. I have had a key cut and coded to match the original key but it still doesn't start the bike. It lights up the dash but brings up an additional yellow warning light which indicates a problem with the motorcycle diagnostics. I'm in N. Ireland
  2. Drop me a PM
  3. Sorry ChrisW, me too this. How do I PM
  4. Sorry, you're not able to initiate a conversation (PM) until you have, I believe, 30 posts to your name. It's an anti spam measure to try and prevent the nefarious from contacting members directly. An established member should be able to start one with you though.
    #24 Bumpkin, Mar 8, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2023
  5. Thanks Bumpkin. Got sorted with ChrisW.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. UPDATE - it would appear that Ducati have changed the number of transponder bytes held in the dash for the 2 key bikes. All 8 bytes for the transponder are recorded in the immo chip. You do not get the expected readout on the Zedbull device that allows the bypass code to be calculated. The only guaranteed way to get the code is to read the immo chip on the dash. Ducati have not made this easy as some of the 2 key dashes are sealed and some, some like the HM use a different immo chip. If you have an 848/1098/1198 then it can be done quite easily.
    I am currently working on how to convert the Zedbull transponder detail into the detail held in the immo chip. Watch this space.

    *******Update - now cracked :upyeah:*******
    #26 chrisw, Mar 28, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
    • Useful Useful x 2
  7. Goodmorning Chrisw! I too cannot sent you a pm. I have a MTS 1000DS for which i don't have its Red key. Everything else is present (code card, 2 keys, metalic tag etc). Is there a way to have a Red key reproduced that will function as the original Red key would?

    Maybe it would be better to have a private conversation about it?
  8. I will post the answer here.
    With the red key bikes the only way to identify the red key data is to read the immo chip on the dash circuit board. I have the kit to do this but need access to the dash. I have the kit to do this which I can loan out. From memory, you need to take the back off the dash to access the immo chip. I will post some images later today.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Thank you very much for this!! I am planning on doing so. I think the equipment can also be found in ebay for not that much so... unless it's very technical it's my way forward. I will post my results here if i eventually do attempt it. Would you also be willing to share the specifics of the equipment that will most possibly work for this bike model, in order to double check with what i am planning on purchasing?
  10. This article shows the cheap kit you need off ebay

    Attached Files:

  11. The first photo shows the immo chip on a MS dash circuit board (note the tacho needle motor is removed on the circuit board I have)

    The next is a close up of the immo chip

    The last is the data from the immo chip. The red key is the first, followed by the black keys. 81AC2CC1-A962-4C4F-B4CF-F023CA04FFA8.jpeg 5543B5D5-0E8B-4ADA-8206-8EE7CA8D147C.jpeg F74988B3-6573-4615-B1EF-8C432A7E4F15.jpeg
    The red key is the detail - 00 00 01 0E F2 A4
    The black keys are 00 00 01 0E EE 5B and 00 00 0E E6 58

    The bypass code for this particular red key is calculated from the last 5 digits of the above

    You need to read some of my other posts on how to convert this data for use in transponder programming and how to calculate the bypass code.
    #31 chrisw, Mar 29, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2023
  12. Thank you Chris! That's the article i have collected my initial info from! I just wanted to confirm that this is also suitable for the MTS1000DS dash. I don't know how to decipher the data to extract the code yet but i am reading through your other posts to tackle it. One thing i am not sure, for which your other posts suggest it might be possible, is whether you could also acquire the Red key code from the code card (which i possess), or at least part of the Red key code (last 5 digits)?
  13. I had a dash from a MS1000DS and my post above shows where to connect to the immo chip. I have highlighted the 3 key codes with the first being the red key. The bypass code is calculated from the last five digits of the red key code.
    You use the following to calculate
    1 to 9 are those values
    A to F = 1 to 6 (A=1 B=2 etc)

    To calculate the code from an actual red key, you need to read the transponder in it using a Zedbull Mini.
    This will give the hex code for the key. This hex code needs converting to binary. You only need to convert the last six digits. In the above convert 0E F2 A4. Be aware that online calculators ignore a preceding 0. But zero will always be 0000, so you can manually add it. You then reverse the binary (eg if it was 00001011 it becomes 1101000). Then convert the reversed binary to hex and this will give the Tiris conversion. Take the last 5 digits from this to calculate the bypass code.

    Or, send me the reading from the Zedbull and I will do it.
  14. Thank you for the clarification!
    Reading through your other posts I managed to learn how to convert TIRIS to TPX1 (I did the example from Sri diagnostics and I got it right! ;). However I need to do the reverse of what you described in your post above... I have the bypass code and I am trying to calculate the Red key code so if possible to avoid dismantling the dash... Would that be possible since the first digits of the T5 transporter of the Red key always need to be "7D 5F 00 00"? That's what I understood by reading the post you wrote about "recovering the bypass key"...
  15. Could be difficult to back calculate as you have letters being represented by numbers, plus 0 equals 7.
    The red and black key transponders seem to be supplied in sets with the first 12 digits being identical.
    1 = 1 or A
    2 = 2 or B
    3 = 3 or C
    4 = 4 or D
    5 = 5 or E
    6 = 6 or F
    7 = 7 or 0
    8 = 8
    9 = 9

    If you have an 8 or 9 then you only have one choice. All the rest you have 2.

    This was a genuine set
    Red - 7D5F00008060#### (#=known detail)
    B1- 7D5F00008060ED43
    B2- 7D5F000080603D6E

    so common to all is 7D5F00008060****

    Common to many Ducati transponders is 7D5F000080******

    Your current black keys will help in giving you the above.

    The bypass code is 63735

    The conversion is BEFA00000106****(*=known detail)

    So you already have the first digit of 6. It will take you more than (I gave up trying to calculate permutations) attempts to identify the missing 4 digits.
    3 = 3 or C
    7 = 7 or 0
    3 = 3 or C
    5 = 5 or E

    You would have to keep reprogramming the T5 transponder until you got the correct code.

    Instead I made a decision to use letters and 0. On the 4th combination I hit the right detail. That was just luck.
    1. C735
    2. C035
    3. C0C5
    4. C0CE

    Far quicker to dump the immo chip in the dash.
    #35 chrisw, Mar 30, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2023
  16. If you want the answer
  17. That was super helpfull Chris! Thank you very much for that! I have created an excel file which calculates the TIRIS to TPX1 conversion and later gives you all the possible combinations after you input also your 2 keys and bypass codes.

    The permutations are the number of digits that can vary (5 if all of them are "7" and lower) in the power of the options number (2 in our case). For your case above (a 5 digits card with all the digits below the number 8) the options are 5^2=25. In your case that the "6" was a common for the black keys that becomes 4^2=16. So your 4th try was in the 25% chance range! ;)

    My problem now is that the locksmith i have contacted couldn't read my black keys... He said it's like there isn't a key in the reader... Should i point out something to him that he needs to know in order for him to be able to read it or should i just switch locksmith?

    Thank you again!! Your help was invaluable!
  18. I use a Zedbull to read the keys.
    You could try taking the transponder out of the keys. If you remove the silver labels carefully by lifting with a thin blade this will reveal a retention peg that goes through the key. Drift this out and pull out the key from the fob with some pliers. You will then see a removable tray with a slot in. This houses the transponder. Use a small screwdriver to prise it out. I tape the transponders to a piece of paper so I do not lose them. The transponder can then be put into the read receptacle of the key reader. Reassembly is reverse of above.

    The transponder should be a Temic 11
    #38 chrisw, Mar 31, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
  19. Can confirm, Chris decoded both my 1098 Keys and the codes work perfectly.
  20. As shown above. I have now cracked how to reverse calculate the bypass codes from the black key I2K equipped bikes. :upyeah:
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