(small) Bike Things You've Done Today

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Nov 15, 2018.

  1. Actually I did :)
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  2. Listened to our Neighbour fire up his bike and go out for a ride about half an hour ago. Jealous!
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  3. ^^^^ Try Ignitech to see if they have an alternative
  4. Do you mean me? Yes I’ve replaced most of the 32 year old components in the cdi/Pgm unit for modern equivalents and it still does it. I then replaced it for a complete new modern unit and it blew that. All ignition items replaced for new and still does it, it’s even got the Nsr forum stumped! Sad thing is that it runs absolutely spot on until it fails.
  5. yes I do, commiserations, particularly now you've filled me in with above i would be tearing even more hair out if in your shoes.
  6. Ignitech may be an option but it needs proper setting up by someone who knows Nsr’s and they are hard to find.
  7. Believe me I’ve literally spent hundreds of hours over the last few months researching, translating Japanese sites and on the spanner’s trying to get it sorted but it’s tested me to the limit and I’ve now ran out of ideas.
  8. Reg/Rec OK? Not spiking voltage?
  9. Don’t know if you’re already aware of him but there’s a guy on the pb-evo forum called morepower. He appears to be a bit of a specialist on these things. Might be worth joining up and sending him a PM.
  10. My thoughts were on the same lines something in the voltage supply side is given too much volts to it . I’d check all the components wiring from stator on and consider swapping to a mosfet reg if possible on these or if not already done.
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  11. Started the day playing “musical bikes” in the garage. Just about to head out to collect the R6 and Multistrada which are imminently about to arrive back from Almeria. Andy
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  12. First thing I checked. I’ve replaced it with a new one and even had the multimeter gaffer taped to the tank so I can check it while riding! Stator checked, pulse generators checked , coils checked and replaced, loom removed and completely unwound to check for shorts.
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  13. I’ve just been doing the same thing so I can get to the Panigale, off to Wales on it now.
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  14. Cheers I’ll have a look into that.
  15. Made some room in the garage by selling my trusty GSXR 750 track bike to my neighbours son. Scrubbed up really well and it’s been an absolutely amazing bike for the last couple of years.
    Now, what’s going to take its place (not track, that’s already sorted).

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  16. Gold wing :D
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  17. IMG_0699.jpeg
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  18. Decided I’d do something I said I’d never do and bought a private reg plate for the bike :eek:
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  19. Ran a lovely standard Fireblade TT legends on the dyno, great curve, put my 1199 graph on for a laugh. Which one is the most fun?
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  20. Bought new pads for 1299 and laughed at ET's shame.
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