Well, we've held the Ashes for the past 7 years, so the tide was bound to turn eventually. But we are being made to eat a very full shit sandwich. It's better this way. We can hate the Australians again (in a sporting sense only, you understand) whereas in the summer, we started to feel sorry for them. And that is no way to approach the Ashes.
We are not so much losing as being stamped on, having dust kicked over our inert body, and then being pissed on.
England. I appreciate that the Scots, Welsh and Irish don't give a toss, and that there is a smattering of Aussies, other Upside Down people and Yanks around. But I bet more than 50% of this forum is English.
pmsl..this reeks of someone pissing themselves. Most over here in UK care only about football. Cricket etc is of little or no consequence to them. Besides the aussies are shit at footie
I know. Problem is, England is also shit at footie. The people setting the Prem alight tend not to be English; they tend to be Aguaro, Suarez, Robin van Persie etc etc. Th Swiss are ranked higher at footie than England - which sort of puts England into perspective.
do you have a Scottish team you support? the parts delivery guy from H.M.P is a Ross county supporter, always good for a bit of a wind up on a Monday.
cool, st mirren was my local team which is probably why didnt get in to football. more iin to it now that i am a radio Scotland listener. the pundets on there are hysterical.
Ah ... 1981 , Trevor and Greg Chappel and the underarm bowl to McKechnie , speaks volumes about character , sportsmanship and shamelessness , still what else would you expect from the biggest open prison in the world . Cant help but notice they were so fucking good at it that no one has even bothered to try and top that.......................... and the c--t got an MBE.... Lance Armstrong must be getting his any minute now