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VERY urgent/important query for any Australians.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Hey don't class me with them. I'm a wop :wink:
  2. ... when it suits you.
  3. Well, we've held the Ashes for the past 7 years, so the tide was bound to turn eventually.

    But we are being made to eat a very full shit sandwich.
    It's better this way. We can hate the Australians again (in a sporting sense only, you understand) whereas in the summer, we started to feel sorry for them. And that is no way to approach the Ashes.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. dont know much about cricket, who's losing?
  5. We are not so much losing as being stamped on, having dust kicked over our inert body, and then being pissed on.
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  6. who's we?..
  7. England.
    I appreciate that the Scots, Welsh and Irish don't give a toss, and that there is a smattering of Aussies, other Upside Down people and Yanks around.
    But I bet more than 50% of this forum is English.
  8. Do they play football?
  9. i for one feel hart felt sympathy for the English team and there supporters.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Do who play football?
  11. can of worms there boot.
  12. pmsl..this reeks of someone pissing themselves. :upyeah:

    Most over here in UK care only about football. Cricket etc is of little or no consequence to them. Besides the aussies are shit at footie
  13. I know. Problem is, England is also shit at footie. The people setting the Prem alight tend not to be English; they tend to be Aguaro, Suarez, Robin van Persie etc etc.

    Th Swiss are ranked higher at footie than England - which sort of puts England into perspective.
  14. a customer of mine plays cricket, that's why i am unseasonably happy, sorry interested.
  15. better than the aussies though at the sport that matters most to more people over here
  16. fishing?
  17. do you have a Scottish team you support? the parts delivery guy from H.M.P is a Ross county supporter, always good for a bit of a wind up on a Monday.
  18. Queen of the South. Lol I'm a doonhamer.
  19. cool, st mirren was my local team which is probably why didnt get in to football. more iin to it now that i am a radio Scotland listener. the pundets on there are hysterical.
  20. Ah ... 1981 , Trevor and Greg Chappel and the underarm bowl to McKechnie , speaks volumes about character , sportsmanship and shamelessness , still what else would you expect from the biggest open prison in the world . Cant help but notice they were so fucking good at it that no one has even bothered to try and top that.......................... and the c--t got an MBE.... Lance Armstrong must be getting his any minute now
    #120 Mc Tool, Dec 16, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
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