Sideburn Magazine

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ian899, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. I bet he can't open the pages anymore.
  2. Bet he can't see them either
  3. Yeah. Both intrinsically and metaphorically.
  4. or using his eyeballs.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Listen to you and your one-dimensional views:Meh:

    I'll have you know there are many and varied feature articles if only you'd avert your eyes from the brass. Why, I was reading one the other day about catching flies; it was called Treacle Belly Cock Thump...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Magazine are so passé. IPads come with wipeable surfaces as standard.

  7. Not so easy to put on the bonfire though
  8. Use the cyber-bonfire - 'reset to factory settings'. No monologues, just straight to the point.

  9. for one moment there, i was dreading you telling us you had the 'scratch n sniff' edition.....

    i suppose you could have a 'razors wives' section.....
  10. Oh dear.

    Do you have a ponytail, perchance..?
  11. No. I am working undercover.
  12. EWWW!:eek:
  13. Yep. We at the EWWW, the enemies of the world wide web, are everywhere. Sshhh.
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