Did my first GCE 'O' when I was 15.....GCE's which were marked in numbers not letters......1 - 6 pass; 7 - 9 fail.
Not for me they weren't. GCE in letter, CSE in numbers. All these years you've thought you had the higher O Levels
The swearing thread got out of hand fast..... But I think (my opinion though) were like children.... Which I think is great!.... Say... Open a thread stating " I don't approve of swearing" and what happens.... Take this thread.... No swearing... And what's the title.... Swearing thread. Fantastic!
I'm not a fan of swearing I know people do and that's up to them It annoys me that comedians think that to be funny every other word should be f*** One of the reasons I can't stand mrs browns boys The C word is not acceptable and I hate it with a passion. I worked in the motor trade for 10 years and I didn't hear a swear word in any garage in that time It seems to have become an accepted practice to have swear words in a conversation
mechanics invented swearing. it's impossible to lift a gearbox in or spend an hour looking for an electrical fault with out swearing. unheard of even.
I'm told they swear but they never did when I was present I have heard them but when they thought I had left the area It was the late 80's and I think people were more respectful then
what was your position there? don't think people are less respectful,deffo busier and language has moved on, comedians have definitely played a part in it.
I was goods inward and outward and stores person I was one of the lads but I was respected being the first girl in their environment
Oh no.... That's the kind of thing my parents and grand parents used to tell me. Trouble is you sound about the same age as me. Yikes! I'm getting old!!
Wot? I did? Nah......My GCE 'O's were definitely numbers (1967 / 1968)........I always tell people I got my Maths, French and Physics with a '9'............or in other words, I failed them. Sorted that discrepancy out when I went to Tech college. Yep, I think people swore less in the 60s - 70s.......I rarely heard a woman swear then; and my old man would say 'Flinking' when he swore.