The Swearing Thread - Epilogue.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Did my first GCE 'O' when I was 15.....GCE's which were marked in numbers not letters......1 - 6 pass; 7 - 9 fail.
  2. Not for me they weren't. GCE in letter, CSE in numbers. All these years you've thought you had the higher O Levels ;)
  3. Typo, I think he means to say CSE in the last bit
  4. Kin ell been on holiday for a month. What have I missed?
  5. Nothing as usual ;)
  6. The swearing thread got out of hand fast..... But I think (my opinion though) were like children.... Which I think is great!.... Say... Open a thread stating " I don't approve of swearing" and what happens....

    Take this thread.... No swearing... And what's the title.... Swearing thread.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Bloody well said MR R - but obviously quite pathetic, I was the only one who nearly got barred :(
  8. See, I've had to tone it down to 'Bloody' now... :Hilarious:
  9. Has Fred Flinstone joined the forum ?
  10. Or higher...grade 1 maths and a B at O level.
  11. I got grade 1 CSE metalwork :)
  12. What a girl :upyeah:
  13. I'm not a fan of swearing
    I know people do and that's up to them
    It annoys me that comedians think that to be funny every other word should be f***
    One of the reasons I can't stand mrs browns boys
    The C word is not acceptable and I hate it with a passion.
    I worked in the motor trade for 10 years and I didn't hear a swear word in any garage in that time
    It seems to have become an accepted practice to have swear words in a conversation
  14. mechanics invented swearing.
    it's impossible to lift a gearbox in or spend an hour looking for an electrical fault with out swearing. unheard of even.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. I'm told they swear but they never did when I was present

    I have heard them but when they thought I had left the area :)

    It was the late 80's and I think people were more respectful then
  16. what was your position there? don't think people are less respectful,deffo busier and language has moved on, comedians have definitely played a part in it.
  17. I was goods inward and outward and stores person
    I was one of the lads but I was respected being the first girl in their environment
  18. yip not many woman in the motor trade back then, i couldn't of been easy.
    for them. :p:smile:
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Oh no.... That's the kind of thing my parents and grand parents used to tell me. Trouble is you sound about the same age as me. Yikes! I'm getting old!!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Wot? I did?

    Nah......My GCE 'O's were definitely numbers (1967 / 1968)........I always tell people I got my Maths, French and Physics with a '9'............or in other words, I failed them.

    Sorted that discrepancy out when I went to Tech college.

    Yep, I think people swore less in the 60s - 70s.......I rarely heard a woman swear then; and my old man would say 'Flinking' when he swore.
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