Might as well close this thread and start new one once the graph paper, blue and red crayons have been out.
cant really compare can you one is going to be about 24k? the other 55k plus what ever has been spent ? 30k ?guessing
On the SL I can see where they get £54K from. Oh and I see one on a regular basis too. I don't think that the H2R will be made in LTD no's as the SL or will be as exclusive either. Lets face it who wants to pay £24K for Kawasaki that in 12 months will be a little more than £12-15K in value on a trade in? BMW S1000RR/ HP4 owners discovered this. Even spoke to a BMW employee who was offered £6500 less for 1 than what he paid less than 12 months previously.
Having never seen a SL in real life, is the bike that much better quality than a normal 1199? £54k is a lot of mullah on a bike to me. Anything after £15k on a bike id get twitchy, but quite happily spend £60k on a used ferrari/lambo/R8.
I've seen an SL in real life and yes - they look quite absurdly tasty. Re BHP figure, I find this coyness slightly mystifying. He doesn't want to tell us, fine - it's not going to ruin my day. But it's not like publishing your address, phone number, salary, bank statement or even what the build cost was. If you start a thread documenting your über SL and what has been done to it, it's sort of normal to carry on until you get to the bit: "It now looks like this and makes x BHP". I suppose it is even conceivable that you might say "I'm not going to tell you the bhp figure as MR would sooner I didn't" If you want to be secretive about the whole thing, I can't see why you'd post about it at all.
What truly does a standard one make? Not ducati figures , actual true ones? Maybe it didnt make much more than what a stock one "should make" . I just like the bling , no as fussed about the ponies.
D8Mok, You more or less answered your own question. Yes it is totally different over a standard 1 and you can see the quality in them too. Its on another level by comparison.
Depends on dyno though. Anyway - what a pointless thread. I expected to see atleast a conclusion - yet all this secrecy. Not as if OP will be racing it at the highest level and his competitors are going to try to complain about him.
yep hit the nail on the head not like sykes or guintoli are gonna want his bike stripped after the race lol
he hee.......a legend in his own pit lane......Tony Perrin was in the ducati circles went back to Australia a couple of years ago...